Year in Review (A Real Post!)

Dec 29, 2005 19:14

Ouh, look at me jumping on the bandwagon. Here's a year in rapid review, depending on how quickly I get bored.

I spent most of 2005 single, 2 minor exceptions being Jordan for a couple of weeks in the winter (best forgotten I'm sure you'll all agree) and Spency for a little over a month at the beginning of summer. I went on a few dates with 3-4 guys, most of them easily forgettable, hence not having taken it any further. I can't say I regret not having dated any more than I did, quite the contrary, I'm glad I didn't jump into any stupid situations other than the previously mentioned 2. Hopefully 2006 will be more fruitful for me. We'll see how much effort I'm willing to put into it.

I worked in Aylmer at the daycare for the better part of 2005 and I will always remember it fondly, I miss it quite a bit and only feel better knowing that my old group of kids is now in Kindergarten anyways so there would be no point in going back. Then again, the gang I worked with was also a great one and I'm glad to still be in touch with a few of the gals. Who knew I'd end up being close with a 35 year old married mother of 2? Or a 35 year old Lesbian mother? After daycare I started work at Carleton Heights, which although having had its ups and downs I'm finally getting quite settled in there and can't see myself leaving for a good while. Some of my coworkers can be tiresome but the kids, the hours, the location and the pay make up for it. Last but not least was my seasonal position at Tiggy Winkles, which as I hoped will apparently be a permanent position. I was asked for my January availabilities, the only one of the new people to've been asked, so I think my chances are good. I've made lots of friends there and working in such a public place is also good at getting me closer to other human beings that aren't under the age of 12.

Everything Else
If nothing else, 2005 was a big year in terms of friendships and a major shifting of social circles. I got much closer to Jason, which I didn't think was possible but boy was I proven wrong, and Will, who started off as just a roomate, became one of my closest friends. For a while John was quite present in our group outings but as usual he got involved with someone and now Will and Jason see him a few times a month at best. Personally I didn't hold out much hope that John would stick around very long and he didn't disapoint me. Jason and Will are still close to him which of course is their right, and if they are satisfied with the attention they get from John then it's not my place to judge their friendship. I still see Alex quite regularly, Halley less so and Schuyler hardly at all. He and I made our peace and are on very good terms now, or I hope so anyways lol, and when he leaves for Halifax I'll be sad to see him go.
2005 was also a good year for me in terms of second chances, the most obvious being Will, but also Jordan, whom I decided to open the lines of communication with near the end of the summer, and MAB, who made the first steps towards us being friends again which I respected immensely.
Another pivotal personnage in the last segment of the year was my Newfie roomate Adam. He was quite the character, flamier than all my gay friends combined but somehow claiming to be straight (and yet adventuring with boys hoping it wouldn't get back to Will or I). Living with him was a challenge, he had a distinct impression that the world should revolve around him; and while Will and I had to be the perfect roomates, it was more than ok for him not to be (my biggest pet peeve was his refusal to lift the toilet seat during urination and then not having the common courtesy of wiping off the ... splashing.) The nails that sealed the coffin were definitely his refusal to pay full months rent for Decembre (which he himself had suggested back in August) a mere two days before rent was due, as well as his leaving while promising to pay the last of his bills which he obviously never did. We got our revenge, though I won't write about it here, the last thing I need is written admittance to questionable practices ^-^

Notable Things that don't require a full paragraph:
-Numerous outdoor adventures over the summer, capture the flag, trips to the quarry.
-Fun trips to Montreal.
-Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (I'm sorry Linh but after having re-read it I think you're dead wrong, it's an amazing accomplishment)
-A handful of awesome parties, here and elsewhere.
-A terrifying trip to the hospital.

Needless to say, there's tons that I'm forgetting, but I think that's a fair description of my year, all in all. Finally, here are a few of the songs, movies and books I discovered and adored this year.
- Coldplay's X and Y, specifically White Shadows.
- Death Cab in general, We Looked like Giants specifically.
- Maragaret Atwoods "Edible Woman"
- Fitzgeralds "Great Gatsby"
- Mordercai Richler's "On Snooker" - and no, I don't care about Snooker at all but it's still a good read.
- "Crash"
- "Jarhead"
- "Sin City"
- "Brokeback Mountain" (easily my favourite of the year - one of the saddest movies I've ever seen)
- "Good Night and Good Luck"
- "Kinsey" (I only saw it recently even if it was out last year)
- "Millions"
- "Pride and Pejudice"
- "Mysterious Skin"

Ok, so as I look over a list of movies that came out this year I realize that A) I've seen a wackload of them and B) I can't start naming all the ones I loved, there were far too many. So if you're looking for suggestion, just ask lol, I'll be happy to help. On that note, I think I'll conclude this post, reserving the right to come and edit or delete it if I see fit.

Have a good end of 2005 everyone, hope it goes out with a bang.

EDIT: According to's list of all the movies released in 2005, I've seen 39. My goal for next year is a minimum of 52, one for every week.
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