Mar 09, 2004 23:28
Well, I got a call on Sunday from the HR director, asking if I could come in for a face-to-face interview on Thursday morning!! :-) I'm psyched!! DOn't know how long the interview will be -- but I'm suspecting it'll be a long day. She told me that they like to use multiple interviewers (i.e. have me meet with a bunch of people), and then at the end ask me to give some 15 minute presentation on something.
I've given tons of presentations, so it's not a big deal for me to have to get up and speak to a group of people. I've done it enough times that I don't even get nervous about it anymore! Go me!! :-)
So I spent a good chunk of time today coming up with a presentation to use, and I'm gonna bring my computer to run it from. Yeah, I could just burn it onto a CD and deal with it that way, but I'm gonna be a geek and just BMOC (Bring My Own Computer). Well, I've got the darn laptop -- might as well make use of it! Hehe... So yeah, hopefully things will go well with it -- I have a really good feeling about it. :-)
I'm watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy right now, and they've got this guy who doesn't cook making homemade ravioli! Omg, that's just a bit too complex for someone who doesn't cook! And yes, I *have* made my own pasta before -- I don't do it too often though. Although, hmmm, would be cool to do one! :-) God, I'm so impressionable! Hehe... But they looked awesome -- a 3-cheese Ravioli with a Tomato Cream Sauce -- yummy!
Speaking of food, I made a really good Beef Stew, and then I also decided to make some Creme de Menthe cookies -- which were quite yummy too! God, all this food talk now, and I'm hungry again! But I ate enough already - don't wanna make a pig of myself or anything! God, I'm an awesome roommate in terms of cooking food! LOL
Well, I'm gonna post this -- planning to watch The Sopranos at midnight. Yeah, I saw it on Sunday, but they're showing it again, so I'm gonna watch again -- I'm addicted.
Lata all!