Dec 31, 2003 06:47
Geez, it's been forever since the last update. Am I gonna start every journal entry that way? Hmmm, I think I may have so far. It's just hard to find the motivation to sit and type I guess. Oh well.
Right now it's early in the morning (something like 6:45 according to my computer's clock). Why am I up now? Not really sure. Had to get up to feed the cats when they woke me up, but then couldn't fall back asleep. So I decided to come online and see if I couldn't bore myself, but so far, no go. So, I figured I'd update the journal.
Let's see -- what's been going on? Well, start with the most obvious thing (well, obvious to me anyway, since I'm using it right now) -- I just got myself a new computer the other day. It's a laptop this time around (omg, I know), but it's pretty cool! It's one of those fancy-schmancy machines with a 17" monitor, the works! It's a P4-HT, running at 3 Gig. It smokes! :-) I'm quite happy with it! Haha... So yeah. I already had a wireless router that I purchased a few months back when I got my laptop from work, so this one hooks up oh-so-nicely into there for high-speed wireless internet. Yay!! :-) So yeah, it's pretty cool.
Ummm, let's see... I've been busy doing more painting around the house too. So far, the rooms I've painted: Master Bathroom, Master Bedroom, Den/Study, Family Room, Guest Bathroom, Living Room. The rooms left that I want to paint, but who knows about motivation - Dining Room, Kitchen, Laundry Room, and back bedroom hallway. The hallway are will be reasonably straightforward to paint, but it's a very low-usage area, so painting there isn't a priority. Doing the dining room will be easy, but it flows into the kitchen, so I'm wondering if I shouldn't do a single color for both areas just to avoid some hard line of color change. The kitchen will be a bitch I'm afraid because of the cabinents, and such. The laundry room -- well, need to move the machines out, plus my pantry is in there, so there's lots of shelves, and TONS of food I need to remove before painting. Well, to top it all off, I really don't have color ideas for these rooms anyway. THen again, for the last 2 rooms I did, I just kinda went to Home Depot and picked colors while I was there -- I didn't have too much of a pre-concieved notion. Well, okay, maybe a little bit of one for the family room, alright? Geez, picky picky! Haha..
But yeah, the painting really makes the place look sooooo much better. I mean, it looked decent before, with the furniture and all that, but it really pops now because of the paint. Once I painted one room, it was like, "Ugh, the rest of the place is ugly now!" It was quite funny. Somehow along the way, I decided that each area had to have its own character as well -- so that's meant different colors throughout. The Dining Room/Kitchen may be the only exception I do there, just because they're really one big flowing open area. I'm afraid it'd look weird to paint them different colors. There's absolutely no line on the wall now, so I'm thinking I should keep it that way. Dunno. Well, I don't enjoy the actual DOING of the painting anyway, but the results are worth it for sure!
So let's see -- what else? Those are the two major things that have been going on lately I guess. Today's New Years Eve Day, which makes tonight New Year's Eve. Not planning on doing much actually -- I'm not a big "let's go out for New Years" fan. A lot of it, honestly, is that I really don't feel like driving. I mean, if I'm out, I'll wanna drink, and then I can't drive. And if I don't drink, well everyone ELSE on the road IS drunk, so I really don't need to get hit. I know, great way to look at it, huh? LOL. Well, at least I'm honest about it. Who knows, maybe I'll decide to go someplace at the last minute. *Shrug* Not sure.
Still off work until this coming Monday. I've been off work for a week and a half now, and geez, lemme tell you -- it's gonna be soooo weird going back to work, getting back into that routine. I've been keeping myself busy, but it seems like days are longer without work. Haha! Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the freedom of not having anything in particular to do, it's just gonna be a shock to the system to be back into some set routine. *Shrug* Well, all good things must come to an end, I suppose. Well, perhaps not so much of an end as a delay. Because after starting work, in like 2 weeks, I'll be out again wiht my whole fun dental work. (I know that's in a previous entry incase memories need to be refreshed). But it'll be good to get that done I suppose.
Anyhow, I'm quite sure I've rambled on here, so I'm just gonna post this entry. Happy new years to all!