Final Fantasy AC - Cloud/Kadaj headers and Cloud/Kadaj manip.

Jul 04, 2006 12:51

I thought I would post my old Cloud/Kadaj headers that I don't use anymore, and the Cloud/Kadaj manip which I used in one of the header's.

Cloud/Kadaj headers (4)
Cloud/Kadaj manip (2 colour variations)


* Sorry for the weird sizes ^^
* Comments are always appreciated, as well as credit if using :)
* Please don't hot link.

Header 1. Image size 600x211

- Original size here 869x305

* And here is the manip I did for the above header - idea for the manip came from ningengirai wallpaper 'The God That Failed' *

Manip 1. Image size 600x244

- Original size here 800x325

Manip 2. Original colour...Image size 600x244

- Original size here 800x325

Header 2. Image size 600x242

- Original size here 896x361

Header 3. Image size 600x242

- Original size here 896x361

Header 4. Image size 600x242

- Original size here 896x361


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