Updates and reconnect with old friends

Dec 18, 2007 19:34

Okay, so I never post here anymore... But, that doesn't mean I don't think about a ton of you! Batty actually got me back on LJ today (with a redirected post from her MyCheese page) and I felt a bit nostalgic. Maybe it's the wine, but either way, I wanted to say hi and try to reconnect with old friends. I think fondly of old friends and memories from time to time. So, I decided to post! :)

First off, Chuck always teases me of peeps and I guess I need to buy some to respect his wishes. ha! :) Hugs to Chuck and Jen.

Secondly, how COOL is the line-up for the BlackSun Festival in CT? Seruiously, ALL my closest music friends in 1 city. Amazing (and I had no idea until today!)

Third, yeah, I'm finally getting married. Who knew? I finally found a man that can keep up with me and keep me in line! (He's my German...)

Fourth, Nilaihah Records recently signed Unheilig. If you haven't heard of them, you should. They are THE top electro/goth rock act in Germany. right now! www.unheilig.com Passionate and driven. You know I like that. :)

So, 2008 should be fun and a big change for me in many ways. I hope I have time for it all!!!

Hugs to you all and PLEASE keep in touch. Even if I'm not super punctual in replies, I still think of you!!!
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