(no subject)

May 08, 2006 21:50

Once you are tagged you MUST write an entry about 6 weird habits as well as odd information about you. State this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names.

Tagged by LL
1. if i wanna be someone's friend, i think they wanna be my friend too.. IM SO STUPID
2. i remember the most useless details/things but have a hard time remembering the important things
3. i say a lot of things without thinking
4. things outside my house MUST be neat, but everything in my house/room: i dont care if its messy or not
5. i tend to develop crushes on girls before meeting her
6. i like to ignore people when i'm angry at them

i tag jessica chang, tiffany, shirfeng, deborah, alice, and jen wang!!!

okay, well that was fun?
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