Title: My High School Life
Rating: PG...probabaly... o.0
Parings: YunJae [main] others I unno yet =P
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama, Angst, Crack ...the normal stuff
Summary: The High school life of Kim JaeJoong =)
Stress, Teachers, Friends, Crushes, Drama, Love, Graduation =)
My High School Life
Dec 13 2009
Dear….Journal (Don’t have a name for you yet, and ‘Diary’ seems too old and girly for me)
Today I got you for my early (really early) B-day present. They said since I don’t talk much and keep everything in, I should try writing everything out. ….Sigh, am I really that quiet?? I think I need to work on my communication skills ><
Well, since you’re new, you probably have no idea who I’m talking about do you? (OMG I feel like I’m 5 again, and talking to an imaginary friend >< …no offence or anything…)
Anywayz…’they’ I referred to are my friends. Whel Well, some are my friends…some just…?Kinda? Friends (I have no idea what to call them =P) w/e anyways, they are the people I eat lunch and have class with. (I’m in high school just to let you know).
It’s Like above it’s kinda my B-day XD (it’s just in like 1 month…and a half…). I think I’m gunna have a B-day Party, unno yet tho. Sigh I’m getting old. Should I journal? And should I invite everyone. That’s like 30 people O____________________O!!!!!!!!!!!
let’s See there’s…YunHo, JunSu, YooChun, ChangMin, HanKyung, Henry, G-Dragon, TOP, SeungRi, TaeYang, DaeSung, HyunJoong, HyungJoon, YoungSaeng, KyuJong, JungMin, SunYe, YeEun, SunMi, SoHee, YooBin, HeeChul, YehSung, RyeoWook, KiBum, SiWon, EeTeuk, EunHyuk, DongHae, BoA…wow actually 30 people…
Sigh so stressful. Like HW (Still need to do it >< I’m so dead!!!) More STRESS to add to my list of STRESS!! I swear it’s school’s makes people and is stupid =P
They keep on saying so much about ‘How to decrease stress’ and how stress can make people depress and may eventually cause the person to suicide. But they don’t notice that they are the one’s that make us stress in the first place, and cause the most stress =(
Sigh…its official, life sucks and the world is gone crazy and logic now is confusing =P this world has so many stupid people >< …and I’m no exception…this is so sad
Well I think I should really go now, HW won’t do itself …even tho I wish it did.
♡ Bye~ I’ll give you a name tomorrow XD
PCE~~~~~ <3
PS: I ♡ my friends for giving me you =D HAHAHAHA I’ll thank them again, tomorrow ♡ I feel a lot better XD
-JaeJoongie~ ♡