the BOOSTING cars crew

Jun 13, 2003 23:49

an update for all my gangsters who are thugging hard I got manics new CD. Well actually I burned it. Why? because I keep it gangster. Its good. Real good. But not jay -z style. aljdfkla;jfkadl;faj Ok. I keep putting on weight. Muscle wise. Ive never been this heavy. It feels weird, but im still considered thin. Got my raise at work and my bonus pay too. I should be getting my car back soon? Then its on to busting ppls asses with jinxt in the street racesssssss dakfjdklfjdsafas;l. MTV should do another MTV True Life: I am a streetracer. OK. And do it on dave. Cuz his car is faster than all of theirs was. Speaking of that...anyone who watched that show ever. Dude who was in it...his name was Greg. He had this badass Integra. He was staying at the Hotel that we were staying at, when me, dave, joshua, and nick were representing on the Super Street tour in Ohio. Anyways...dave challenged him to a race, and when he saw the beast he simply declined. Fag. I hate ppl that proclaim their shit as being hard and even get it on tv and then wuss out to a race. He was pretty cool I guess. Im cooler though. *winks and 203480238408320483209 pesos smile here* Im such a big kid. I get juiced over the simplest shit. summer vacation is here. Werd. The bike should be fixed before then :( It still hurts my heart to walk by it everyday and see it all fucked up. I love that thing soooo much. Other than that, just been keepin it real homies. Hangin out w/ lindsey alot. Stayin away from the bullshit alot. soo check out the new pimp ride for the moment since i wasted over 20000 on londons bail. =\

Connecticut for like 9,000?
The seats are hot, and its got a beast ass motor with Japanese series folding mirrors. Trick.

Or the cali chronic for 7,000? But it kinda leaks water through the sunroof :(


NEWSFLASH: louis was gathering witht the old "dead crows" crew theyre planning boosting cars with the FAC, *sound familiar?* they asked me if i could help them out at Davids party, i told them uhhh no im done with that whole gangster. im not working on another project with louis EVER cus im not talking to him. the only person that could persuade me would be torch but hes dead, so wats left? the only goddamn reason why i was into shit like that was BEFORE i met that F.D. guy klindel. and besides u want me to help u steal Edwins cars? duude thats crazy shit, nobody and i mean NOBODY steals edwins shit he'll hunt u down like a dog. and besides whats competition between FAC and burns? noooo i cleaned up, no more of that for me. not itnerested and not putting my life on line. although i do know that as a part of what DC called the "calling" i think it concerns the orifice party cus they are a branch off. so u got 3 crews up on burns? no shit..if they DO end up pulling this shit off theyll be in alot of trouble. edwin would fry ure asses...louis u dont know what ure going up against man, ure a newbie so stfu. they need a replacement "hacker c6h45", and i think shannon's gonna be the only one pulling it off. i swear i saw that girl do it before, shes like a robot. but still not good enough. she can work the imported 51's in half time due to the original copy. i told them theres no way they can get into Ed's hood theyll burn you fuckas lol. wutever niggas do what u want leave me out of it. the only thing ill do is go to ure funerals when burns BURN ure sorry asses. but whichever..i hope u the best of luck.

bsides from that shit i just cut my hair and i feel sooo good lol, you know how after a good haircut you just feel very...relieved? lol. i was talkign with nick and we were talking about good it feels after you take a really hot shower after a stressful evenning. in that case u have no idea how many showers ive taken in the last 2 weeks hahaha. o yah in case you were wondering about the thing between me and whitney, yea we broke up =\. how do i feel? REALLY REALLY regretful, i love him so much and its really hard to let go. but eventually he'll get over me soon enough :( if he does get back with his ex..i just hope theyre happy together. whichever...i went to valley fair mall today with david and when we stopped by hot topics i felt all these memories come flooding back..god it hurts so bad i just wanted to go home. i bought a marilyn manson punk shirt lol. THAT reminded me of the one shirt whitney "bought" for tyler hahah it was funny because of whitney now im dressing up really really punk emo-ish. im getting my eyebrow pierced and a bar on the back of my neck. david watned to stop by AE, i didnt want to go in..i just stood outside and waited...ANOTHER place we stopped at: A&F which is also a horrible place. and the food court lmao wtf.i told dave i watned to go home and get the hell outta there. i suddenly hate valley fair now =\ my eyes hurt and my head is fuking..the day was like hell. everyone was all happy and smilin for shit and im just all moody all day. i got home and slept the whole evenning..i didnt want to go anywhere just wanted to lie on my bed the whole night. grrrrrrrrrrrrr GET OVER IT TYLER!! can someone please just give me some advice? i cant stop thinking about him. every guy just seems...really ugly to me right now. aiight aiight u can go ahead with ure "there ar a million ppl on the planet" yes there is but there is only one whit. he probably forgot about me already so...why am i being all weak? cause love is my weakest spot.

1. How many times have you truly been in love?

2. What was/is so great about the person you love(d) the most?
Well the person i WAS with...i guess the best thing about them is knowing they are always willing to be there for you when ever the world is trying to jump ya back...and choke you. Knowing he was there for me as a friend and more...knowing he's willing to walk through fire with me...and just being who he is...honest, loyal, sweet and smart just being himself is just GREAT!

3. What qualities should a significant other have?
Honest and loyal.

4. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
oh ya =/

5. If there was one thing you could teach people about love, what would it be?
Love is just a word used by many and expirianced by none...that used to be the line i'd follow up in i can tell you one comes in many ways and in very weird someone said it could be the person you grew up with since you started to walk, the person you used to sit with on the bus, the person you first got in a fight with, your friends sister, or someone who you wouldn't even think could be that special "someone" is also a painful and dangerous weapon...just make sure you know how and who you use it against...or with! Love is something that will leave scars on your heart, mind and soul's your choice to either accept it...or fight it! Love is unbreakable...its always there...even if you try HARD to deny it! It comes outta no goes whenever! Once you fall for's hard to get outta it. Don't ignore your feelings because of something like age, race and looks, these things are the exterior and one day may fade or just cease to be a problem. The inside of someone will always be there, their personality, character and values. Oh yeah, being blinded by love can be something pretty bad, trust me on that one.

NEXT!!!! gonna be outtie for about a week homes.. stay chill and hwen i get back ill update you on eveyrthing thats goin on. melissa take care. monique keep ure head up and keep pushing on...i know its hard that hes leaving but u gotta have faith that there are other guys (y cant i take my own goddamn advice?). and yodite youre a bitch for saying shit u dotn even understand jigga. shut that shit up aiight? and im goin to manics concert tomorrow so wish me fun :) <3
STay black

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o yea i thought this was fukin hilarious...i feel so special lol
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