Sep 02, 2004 00:34
i heard from vicky happy...she got back last night after 41 long ass days...i was going stir crazy, but all ovva now...imma go see her happy
went to brig schools to get my schedule...and whatta u no...they ACTUALLY had it blew my mind...of coarse not with out its flws such as a study hall for seventh and no locker, once a-fucking-gain...then went to the high school and straitened out a few of the thing not straitened out, my missing 4th marking period, final exam, and final average grade for US hist 2 AP...its not on their records or my transcript, neither are my credits for the class, i put in a bunch of stuff and i jus gotta wiat for gradz now...this is what i get for handing in a stack of redos for 2 marking periods thatlast week of school...seriously i deserve to fail that class...mrs kichline also thinks i should talk to mrs scriebman about my B in that class, she thinks i could make it into an A...but schrieb's a bitch
no info about parking passes either
so heres my schedule
1st- Physics AP- Quinn- im deterimined to beat both mikes, much like i did with everyone in arsenis
2nd- Gym- Birkbeck...i forgot to get that changed to mendez so imma call up tomor
3rd- Calc AP- Cacioppo- i dun like him very muck and iv only met him the once...i hope thats an easy class and hes not an asshole about it
4th- Lunch/GATE- A (so far only morgano and steph fields in there, sumone save me)
5th- Euro Hist AP- Friedland- easy kasper, steve, rich and morgano to keep me company
6th- Eng 4 AP- Duffy- its gonna be fun as min, diana, and nancy are in there but so is morgano (see below for 8th period as for whats gonna happen)
7th- Prob Stat AP- Vandenheubel- reason for this pick is cause the school was retared enough only to move the psych AP class to 2nd period even though axelsson repeatedly told them she only wanted it moved so she could have the physics ppl in there as well but of coarse the school is fucking retarded so now im stuck in this class with nobody else...gonna suck
8th-government AP- Karver- what a fun class this is gonna be...lets look at whose in there...well theres min cathy and nancy...but then theres morgano...i see many bloodbathes to come...and of coarse im stuck in the middle as im friends with both sides...gonna be a fun year
and iv a locker in upstairs H wing, i only have 2 classes there and their back to back so what a fucking waste thats gonna be...and it doesnt even open...i tried today but of coarse its gay
gonna be a fun year...hopefully