Jul 30, 2004 00:36
omg, someone kill me now, iv reached rock bottom, theres is no lower then me, today at work, while doin my prep work, i became very happy and exicted, and do u no y...cause wehen it came time to make the carrots, i began to peel them them i thought to my slef...im so lucky, these carrots are in perfect ripeness to be peeled, the skin is coming right off with no struggle...then later on i learned a new and very fast way to cut up watermelon and cantalope and thought my self to be having a good day...kill me now...i was exicited cause of ripe carrots....omfg, my life lacks any meaning
Hy, my name is Larry Stiteler, and im a dsylexic(sp?)
Wtf is wrong with me...i will post a convo i had with cathy bout my hate for the english language
Diablo Lar: its all sitll there
Diablo Lar: ^htey
Diablo Lar: damn
Diablo Lar: they all still there
Sw33tS0RR0W: lol
Sw33tS0RR0W: hahaha
Sw33tS0RR0W: ur such a bad typer
Sw33tS0RR0W: typist?
Sw33tS0RR0W: typer?
Sw33tS0RR0W: typist.
Sw33tS0RR0W: O-o
Diablo Lar: doesnt matter
Diablo Lar: thats y imma have sume 3$ an hour secratery biotch type all my shit for me whe nim a big olde lawyer
Diablo Lar: roflmao
Sw33tS0RR0W: omg
Sw33tS0RR0W: ur so horrible
Sw33tS0RR0W: u can learn how to type though
Sw33tS0RR0W: it's quite simple
Diablo Lar: i no how to type
Diablo Lar: its that i dunt no how to spell
Sw33tS0RR0W: yes but type correctly without errors
Sw33tS0RR0W: haha
Diablo Lar: and im dsylexic
Sw33tS0RR0W: that's so weird
Sw33tS0RR0W: how ur so smart
Sw33tS0RR0W: yet u can't spell
Sw33tS0RR0W: ^^;;
Diablo Lar: errr
Diablo Lar: smart ass ppl dont no how to spell
Sw33tS0RR0W: not everyone
Diablo Lar: albert einstien for example couldnt spell shit, literally
Sw33tS0RR0W: haha
Sw33tS0RR0W: i bet he could spell those really long
Sw33tS0RR0W: chemical names though
Diablo Lar: no, he just made them up
Diablo Lar: lol
Diablo Lar: he was more of a physics person
Diablo Lar: its funny
Diablo Lar: i make horrible ass type-os on the words i cant spell that way it looks like i jus type to fast and fuck up the word
Diablo Lar: i dunt do it on purpose
Diablo Lar: but say im typin really fast
Diablo Lar: and theres a word i cant spell
Diablo Lar: my fingers are still movin as i think of the workd and then most of the letters come out but then a few get scrabbled
Sw33tS0RR0W: ^^;;
Sw33tS0RR0W: trying to cover up ur dyslexia
Diablo Lar: thats y whennevva i type, and u should notcie this next time, i nevver ever spell "couldn't" right
Diablo Lar: it comes out coulndnt every fucking time
Sw33tS0RR0W: tsk tsk
Diablo Lar: every single time as im typon really fast and i stumble on those fucking "ould", or "ough" words and i get mixed up but before i figure it out my fingers have oalready typed it
Sw33tS0RR0W: why do u get mixed up on those words
Sw33tS0RR0W: they're really simple
Diablo Lar: that the thing
Sw33tS0RR0W: they sound completely diff
Sw33tS0RR0W: from each other
Diablo Lar: im not full fledged dsylexic
Diablo Lar: no, i dunt get them mixed up wtih each otha
Diablo Lar: i jus get the to fucked up each time
Diablo Lar: ^two
Diablo Lar: see
Sw33tS0RR0W: lol
Diablo Lar: i noticed thiswith gradzial
Sw33tS0RR0W: gradziel*
Sw33tS0RR0W: ?
Sw33tS0RR0W: lol
Diablo Lar: whatevva
Diablo Lar: err
Sw33tS0RR0W: whatever?
Diablo Lar: lol
Sw33tS0RR0W: lolol
Sw33tS0RR0W: haha im gonna correct everything for u
Sw33tS0RR0W: from now on
Sw33tS0RR0W: so u wont have to do it
Sw33tS0RR0W: ...maybe
Diablo Lar: no non o, i spell whatevva like that on purpose cause thats how i want it to sound
Diablo Lar: thats anotha thing i do, i type how i talk
Diablo Lar: such as ^anotha
Diablo Lar: but anyway
Sw33tS0RR0W: i sau tjat
Sw33tS0RR0W: ahh
Diablo Lar: back to gradz
Sw33tS0RR0W: u say that?*
Sw33tS0RR0W: k
Diablo Lar: he explained(when he was explaining his dyslexia) that there are so many , hundrads of types of dyslexia that u can be dyslexic for only a few letter patterens
Diablo Lar: aand me and morgona both noticed that we share almost exaclty the same symptoms as him, down to a tee
Diablo Lar: cept we dont inverse ut numbers and we dont accent the wrong sylable on wierd words
Sw33tS0RR0W: syllables*
Sw33tS0RR0W: weird*
Sw33tS0RR0W: ut? our?
Diablo Lar: we hall three of us mix up the , "oo", "ough", "ould", "y" (in place of sort i, such as in dyslexic), and any vowel combinations of 2 or more, such as io, or iou, or eau)
Sw33tS0RR0W: well the vowel combos are sort of tricky
Diablo Lar: or whe nwe think that its three vowels but its only 2 such as in junior...and not juniour
Sw33tS0RR0W: but u can learn though like plateau
Sw33tS0RR0W: lol
Sw33tS0RR0W: can u speeeelll
Sw33tS0RR0W: sufficient
Diablo Lar: i spelled senior and junior wrong for so long
Sw33tS0RR0W: preston has trouble with words like that
Sw33tS0RR0W: he spells it like how it sounds
Diablo Lar: then i looke it up and forgetthe right way in a week
Diablo Lar: i finnally have those two under my belt
Diablo Lar: thats what i do
Diablo Lar: no any ient words i fuc up
Diablo Lar: i mix up my silent t and c
Diablo Lar: such as in cion and tion words
Sw33tS0RR0W: lol
Sw33tS0RR0W: so weird
Diablo Lar: i have nevva been able to spell and beauty wrods
Diablo Lar: ^any
Diablo Lar: they always look funny
Diablo Lar: so i always go and spell check it one my comp, even if im hadnd writting it
Diablo Lar: damn eau combo
Sw33tS0RR0W: beauty words?
Sw33tS0RR0W: oh
Diablo Lar: bauty, beatuful
Sw33tS0RR0W: haha
Diablo Lar: fuck
Sw33tS0RR0W: lolol
Diablo Lar: i fuckesd them both up
Sw33tS0RR0W: so funny
Sw33tS0RR0W: beat-tu-full
Sw33tS0RR0W: see how that sounds?
Diablo Lar: i always think its spelled like beauty
Diablo Lar: the eau combo
Sw33tS0RR0W: it is
Sw33tS0RR0W: beautiful
Diablo Lar: see its the thing when its only 2 vowels but i think its 3
Diablo Lar: ahhhh
Diablo Lar: so confused
Diablo Lar: imma nevva get it down
Diablo Lar: its just somthin i can not do
Sw33tS0RR0W: lol
Diablo Lar: and iv accepted it
Sw33tS0RR0W: aww lol
Sw33tS0RR0W: im sure u can learn
Sw33tS0RR0W: can u spell ph stuff
Sw33tS0RR0W: like symphony
Sw33tS0RR0W: instead of "symfony"
Diablo Lar: even when i was in lik 3rd grade when like i had A's and B's on my report card and of corse my D in spelling and handwriting
Diablo Lar: nope
Diablo Lar: no ph
Sw33tS0RR0W: D?? omg
Sw33tS0RR0W: lol and u can't write either!
Sw33tS0RR0W: i dont get it!
Sw33tS0RR0W: lol
Diablo Lar: i hate the phy, or phs, or psy words
Sw33tS0RR0W: oh i dont like those either
Sw33tS0RR0W: the psy
Sw33tS0RR0W: but i think i got it down
Diablo Lar: such as in psyics or psychology
Sw33tS0RR0W: phy= f sound psy=s sound
Sw33tS0RR0W: lol
Diablo Lar: but what bout phy
Diablo Lar: i mena
Sw33tS0RR0W: that's it there's nothing else
Diablo Lar: nevva mind
Sw33tS0RR0W: lol
Sw33tS0RR0W: u made up ur own prefix
Sw33tS0RR0W: ^^;;
Diablo Lar: uv seen my hadwriting
Diablo Lar: its atrosioucus
Sw33tS0RR0W: lolol
Sw33tS0RR0W: lmao
Sw33tS0RR0W: look at that word omg
Diablo Lar: no
Diablo Lar: i dun wanna
Diablo Lar: i no i killed it
Diablo Lar: autrocious
Diablo Lar: itsmabe?
Diablo Lar: ^mmaybe?
Diablo Lar: fuck
Sw33tS0RR0W: atrocious i thikn
Sw33tS0RR0W: im not sure about that word
Diablo Lar: thats me typin to fast for my brain again
Diablo Lar: its a combo of the things i hate
Diablo Lar: silent c
Sw33tS0RR0W: yea im right
Sw33tS0RR0W: atrocious
Diablo Lar: and iou
Diablo Lar: god
Sw33tS0RR0W: u made it sound like something relaly dreadful and dinosaurish like
Diablo Lar: the english language blows
Diablo Lar: lol
Sw33tS0RR0W: atrocsioucusaur
Sw33tS0RR0W: heheh
Diablo Lar: rofl
Diablo Lar: my fingers move faster then my brain
Diablo Lar: u no y the english language has all these fuck up wrods
Diablo Lar: ^words
Sw33tS0RR0W: why
Diablo Lar: cause in reality there is no english language
Diablo Lar: we have no set of one rules for all words
Diablo Lar: as the english language is just a combination of about 5 languages
Diablo Lar: celtic, norweigen, germanic, latin, and type of irish native thing
Diablo Lar: the english language has more words in it then any language in the world
Diablo Lar: thats y for the word big
Diablo Lar: spanish has like 2 ways to say it
Diablo Lar: and we have like 200
Sw33tS0RR0W: ^^;;
Sw33tS0RR0W: can u spell either right
Sw33tS0RR0W: or neither
Diablo Lar: big, huge, giant, gigantic, humoungous, large, grand
Diablo Lar: the list goes on
Diablo Lar: thats the ie mix up
Diablo Lar: or ei
Diablo Lar: and fuck that i before e rhyme
Diablo Lar: cant spell rhyme either
Diablo Lar: cause it doesnt work
Diablo Lar: like in neighbor or science
Sw33tS0RR0W: u spelled it right
Sw33tS0RR0W: yay
Diablo Lar: the reason i suck at things like grammer and spellin and am execelnt in math
Diablo Lar: is cause in math
Diablo Lar: 2+2 always = 4
Diablo Lar: there is a rule
Diablo Lar: and its is followed every time
Diablo Lar: no exception
Diablo Lar: but in grammer and spelling
Diablo Lar: there is not one single rule, i mean it, there is no 1 rule that is obeyed all the time
Diablo Lar: there are exceptions fto every freakin rule, then exceptions to the exceptions
Sw33tS0RR0W: u just gotta be familiar with the words and rememebr how it's spelled
Sw33tS0RR0W: just like how 2+2 is 4
Diablo Lar: and more fucking exceptions
Sw33tS0RR0W: lol haha
Diablo Lar: its cause there are so many languages, all of different kind, smushed up into english and u need to abide oll of them
Diablo Lar: now wee
Diablo Lar: if it were like creole, a combo of french and spanish
Diablo Lar: theye are both the same language
Diablo Lar: both are romantic
Diablo Lar: both from latin
Diablo Lar: therefore both havethe same rules
Diablo Lar: but english
Diablo Lar: ohh no fucking way
Diablo Lar: celtic is independint
Diablo Lar: latin has its rules
Diablo Lar: germanic is differnet
Sw33tS0RR0W: german sounds so angry
Diablo Lar: norwiegein is another seperate one
Diablo Lar: i no, thats y i wanna learn it
Diablo Lar: u could say "i love u" and its sounds like "im going to kill all the jews"
Diablo Lar: rofl
Diablo Lar: the problem with memorizing selling
Sw33tS0RR0W: hahah
Diablo Lar: is that i can memorize every word
Diablo Lar: and ur not suppose to
Diablo Lar: i memorize spelling patterns
Diablo Lar: butthe problem is all the fcking exception to the spelling pattern, and did i mention all the fucking exceptions
Diablo Lar: well class
Diablo Lar: i comes before e
Diablo Lar: EXCEPT after c
Diablo Lar: EXCEPT when makinging a long A sond like neighbore
Sw33tS0RR0W: haha i dont even know the rhyme
Diablo Lar: EXCEPT in science
Sw33tS0RR0W: i just remember how they're spelled
Diablo Lar: god damn it
Diablo Lar: fuck u and ur rhyme...it can go and butrn in hell
Diablo Lar: i hate english
Sw33tS0RR0W: lol ^^ll
Sw33tS0RR0W: but it's ur native language
Sw33tS0RR0W: try learnin viet
Sw33tS0RR0W: it's so complicated
Diablo Lar: no, im switching to german
Sw33tS0RR0W: ^^;;
Diablo Lar: lol
Diablo Lar: i wana for fun
Diablo Lar: that be so awsome
Sw33tS0RR0W: it's crazy for u cause of the tone of ur voice
Diablo Lar: see with viet
Diablo Lar: its one fucking language
Diablo Lar: not 5 languages orgieing together to make one manipulative bastard of a baby language
Diablo Lar: that is exactly y english is the hardest language in the world to learn
Diablo Lar: so says ALL of the experts
Diablo Lar: its cause there are no rules without thsee god amn satanic EXCEPTIONS
Sw33tS0RR0W: ^^;; ookkk i ebleiveu
Sw33tS0RR0W: believe*
Sw33tS0RR0W: it's the hardest language
Diablo Lar: spanish, the rules always aplies
Sw33tS0RR0W: but i think viet is harder for me
Diablo Lar: but not english
Sw33tS0RR0W: yea spanish is quite easy
Sw33tS0RR0W: weird
Sw33tS0RR0W: not wierd
Sw33tS0RR0W: i used to get that word confused as a child
Sw33tS0RR0W: and believe
Sw33tS0RR0W: i used to spell it belieive
Sw33tS0RR0W: or beleive
Sw33tS0RR0W: my sis is an excellent speller, pronouncer and reader
Sw33tS0RR0W: she excels me in pronouncing words i havent seen
Sw33tS0RR0W: ^^;;
Sw33tS0RR0W: she's very good at spelling big words too
Sw33tS0RR0W: like sufficient
Diablo Lar: well i can pronounce almost anything
Sw33tS0RR0W: :p
Diablo Lar: even stuff thats not in english, specifically german, and iv never even studied german at alll
Diablo Lar: i i have nevva seen the workd before i look at it , analyze it, and say it alost perfectly
Diablo Lar: i dunt like lyz either
Diablo Lar: i have never in my life without looking at sumthing else to see how its spelled, actually spelled sufficient right
Sw33tS0RR0W: lyz?
Diablo Lar: analyze
Sw33tS0RR0W: oh
Diablo Lar: i always mix up the letteers
Diablo Lar: itll come out anaylze
Sw33tS0RR0W: lol
Sw33tS0RR0W: well i g2g now
Sw33tS0RR0W: ill c u later
Diablo Lar: ok
Diablo Lar: night
Sw33tS0RR0W: nice speech on the english language
Sw33tS0RR0W: i find it amusing that u can't spell
Diablo Lar: hopefully we can all see each otha soon
Diablo Lar: lol
Sw33tS0RR0W: cause atrocious comes out atrosiocus
Sw33tS0RR0W: heheh
Diablo Lar: err
y must i bee aflicted with such a disease...im telling u imma just hire sumone i can dictate everything to...
im tired and mad
i fell alseep though ALL of john kerrys speech, i saw his intrduction then wole up whne all the ballons fell....FUCK...i wanted to see that so bad
im goin to bed 'night all