Jun 23, 2004 14:08
Ya, i gotta job at Ruby Tuesdays at the hamilton mall, i do kitchen work, attend the salad bar and bus tables, its not that bad. full time 4 or 5 days a week and 7-8 hour shifts...gettin paid 5.15 an hour plus ten percent of waiters tips and sumtimes the waiters tip extra. i gotta start gettin ready to go to work in a 20 minutes. 4- 12 tonight. its pretty easy and im hopin i can keep it for weekends during the school year, and when i turn 18 i can be a waiter. im happy with it.
fun time at diana's house last night, wish vicky could have been there. gonna miss diana and nanc since they goin away for like a month, see ya two when u get back, have a fun summer
jus got home from work, its like 11:30 its not that bad and i made 13$ of extra tips (over wait is put into myy check). the otha salad bar/ bus boy who was supposed to be training me spoke not a word of english, it was so funny, im gonna learn more spanish at my job then all three years of high school, thats pretty sad...i could barely communicate with him, it was like sheraids were we communicated with hand motions and my very limited spanish and his extremely limited english...very funny
waiter/ waitres's seem to like me...i hope i can keep for weekendds iduring school, and once i turn 18 ill be able to be aa waiter...well im tired, night all