Jun 07, 2009 14:46
the theme of today's posts is "death".
answers. i love answers. well, it is the 9th episode already so it's expected we'd get some answers.
the main answer for today: Akira didn't kill all the NEET's, nor did he cause "Careless Monday", in fact he was the one who saved all the people from being blown up! as Meatloaf (pantsu) said, he's a hero.
I and X, a dangerous combi. we also learn in this ep that it was X that caused the missiles on Careless Monday. as a side note, X's voice actor is Ichigo from Bleach, and he also very *o* looking tehehe. so it's a very good match.
not many eps left and everything is starting to come together. so now it makes two Selecao dead, three involved, one missing and six still unknown of. i'm looking forward to finding out who Mr. Outside and the Supporter is.
anywho the death. i was thinking that I and X (who were stalking Akira) would ask Juiz to blow up his computer and cause a house fire that he would die in or someting spectacular...but they end up just running Meatloaf over when he's trying to warn Akira of something. which is a shame, as much as i didn't like his hair i also thought he was a good ally for Akira. he dies an honourable death in a gutter.
it's weird though, even though X was the one who ordered the missiles for Carless Monday, he was very scared of running a guy over in a car. very dangerous bunch.
there was also a weird ad for an old anime during the ep....very random i thought. last week's FMA also had an ad for star trek...
higashi no eden