my friend is amazing

May 23, 2009 17:16

this is what she wrote (dont remember if you have lj..srry >.<)

I hate being in love sometimes,
but I love the "musshy" feeling you get inside your heart,
it feels like caramel melting slowly in your mouth.
The person you like so much could be a pain in the ass,
but somehow everything he/she does feels so magical!

I sometimes hate being in love because
I can't seem to do anything properly,
every few seconds i will be thinking of that person,
even how hard I try to ignore it, try to forget, it won't rub off.

It all started of as a simple admiration, a friendship,
but god knows what, how I ever got
tangled in this crazy situation.
I never was really into these things, but now i finally
understand what some of my friends experienced.
The worst part of the whole "love" thing is that its so
very one sided, and of course you don't want to end the
friendship because you are stupidly in love with them,
so you either tell them, and then everything goes down hill
from then on, or in my case not tell them at all.
You also don't want to let them know your feelings
for them, so you block them deep inside somewhere...
and try to be natural with them, so it won't have an
awkward feeling between the two.
It is like a labyrinth, so confusing, even when I reread this note,
I don't know what I am rambling on about, its like a DADA manifesto,
its so confusing.
Sometimes I wish I didn't have feeling.
But yet, I really enjoyed the feeling...?
You sometimes love to smell that person, you go through
every detail of that person, and yes it sound scary,
but too bad, you do it anyway. You also suddenly don't care
what they are like (as in appearance), you don't care at all,
they never (in my case) never really fitted into that category of the
cup of tea I want, but its the personality which boost it all up...and
now its even more confusing...
But overall, I could now type this out and feel only slightly better,
I just hope no one really sees this.

"It takes 1 minute to like someone, 1 hour to love
someone and a lifetime to forget someone."~Ellie

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