Nov 17, 2005 09:24
it's my second all-nighter in 3 days. my 4th real one ever. all of them have taken place within the past fucking month or so sophomore year of pre-medical life at amherst college.
i think i'm gonna be a psych major. GPAGPAGPA! hah, that's like hicks' SATSATSAT!
but i think i actually enjoy this. i just wish i actually enjoyed learning.
fucking work. monday, i had visual anthro paper due, last night was a bio exam, in about 30 min is the social psych paper, and friday, i have a bio lab report due.
someday i'll look back on this and be like, 'quit yer bitchin, internships suck more'.
but right now, i'm running on less than 15 hours of sleep within the past 72+ hours.
ooh i'm such a fucker.
my muscles hurt at odd places. maybe i should sleep.
like the tips or points of my deltoids. or just specific sharp points all over. it's like minimigraines for the body.
need conclusion.tylenol?