Jun 07, 2004 18:35
i remember reading that in one of those "chicken soup for the teenage soul" books. it hit me. it was about this kid who wanted to commit suicide but his friend wrote him this list. 101 reasons by ryan should live. i think his name was ryan. oh well. doesn't matter. what does matter is the last number. 101. "never hate who you are, only what you have become".
you can't hate who are you are, you are you, that's what makes you. but the curse and the blessing about america is that people are always changing. it's like the great american dream, ya know? from one angle it's bad because us as humans are never satisfied with what we got, but, from another angle, it's good, because it shows we're always trying to improve ourselves.
so...i say...do just that. if you don't like what you have BECOME, become something else. don't sit in self loathing-ness. search for something you love, do it, conquer it. do what you need to do. search for the girl you could never have, the car you can't afford, the job you've always wanted, etc. etc.
"reach for the moon, if you fall, at least you fall amongst the stars." - anonymous
and if that fails--just go to mtv and go on made and say "i wanna be made into ryan murphy"