Oct 25, 2005 20:16
If u ever get a ticket and get the option of taking traffic school to lower insurance this and that b.s..... dont do it... take the extra fine and dont waste 4 hrs and if u do it online itll prolly take longer cuz im so distracted and i keep forgetting to click next and its liked timed so its gay and crap but theres funny crap on it though like
when ur drunk policia will ask: Sometimes they will you questions to see how you answer it. Is Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog?
Count backwards from 80 to 60. People have a tendency to get stuck on a number if they're impaired. An hour later in the Police Car, they’re still counting.
Close your eyes and stand on one leg 8 to 10 in. off the ground. This is very hard to do if you're drinking.
Close your eyes and touch your index finger to your nose. If you're impaired, you miss and hit yourself all over your face.
Walk a straight line. They will give you instructions that are hard to comprehend when you're impaired. They'll say, Walk 10 steps forward and five steps to the left. Impaired people walk five forward and three to the right. Or they will say What 6 forward and 4 to the left? And, if they're really impaired that night, they will move 10 steps forward and start to run.
ehhh... so tiring..... its retarted, and i wish i didnt do it online.. but then i waited 90 days they gave me and, umm yea last minute dealy... haha im screwed if i dont get it finished by 12..... and so i gotta keep clickings the ummz continue buttons and answer the questions.