Mar 13, 2002 11:47
ah... sleep. great thing it is, ain't it? well, me'n myrtle are trying to arrange a movie... any requests or suggestions? we need them badly... well, i don't wanna go to the stupid om mtg this afternoon, but i guess i don't have much choice... i still need to fix my costume, 'cause it looks like some whore's dress... the neckk is way too low, one side still hasn't been sewn together, and i haven't added buttons or anything in the back, so i've currently got a hole running all the way past my ass... o well. i'll fix it before competition... ohhh... that's on the 23rd, 'ain't it... it's creeping up on us. oh, and we've got band UIL on the 23rd too... i don't really enjoy playing rikudim with the band, since you can't even hear me unless i do those stupid glisses that tear apart my fingers... well, i've been losing sleep over those stupid high school applications... should i take Latin or CHinese? i haven't heard the greatest things 'bout the chinese teacher, but taking chinese at school would take care of going to chinese school for half the day on sundays... well, we'll see... ach, well, gotta run, later...