Um yeah... maybe a real entry tomorrow

Oct 13, 2006 00:08

Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tag backs. This explanation should be included.

1. I speak in a certain vernacular, in my own particular idiom, because that is the way I choose to. I don't intentionally speak down, or condescend to the lesser intelligent, I just speak in a manner in which I am quite accustomed to, and if someone can't follow that, then maybe they should pick up a dictionary or read a book.

2. In 25 years of life, I have never had a girlfriend.

3. I can speak a multitude of asian languages, not fluently but enough to keep up a conversation.

4. Upon having 3 jobs at the same time, only three times in the past year have I worked all three jobs in one day with a total of 22 hours of work.

5. Scott Levy (Raven) is one of my heros.

6. Before I die, I want to save somebodys life to look like a hero. Selfish sounding yes, but hey, life is full of choices. Sometimes you make a choice, sometimes a choice is made for you, and sometimes there is no choice. This is my choice.

I tag... Chung, Torry, Lacey, um... nobody else I know will do this... so if you read this, do it.

Hmm, if 4 people from my friends list do this, I will post a new entry tomorrow or something.
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