[Important] Change of Accounts

Jul 08, 2008 07:44

Because of the lack of privacy (hahaha), I'm changing accounts. I will still use this account frequently, but to actually be able to know my flist (which obviously mine is out of control because I stupidly friend-locked my fics *yes i realize that now*) I"m changing accounts.
This one will be kept open to friend whomever wants to be friended... I might post with the new account or this one on phoenixflights, but yeah... this nest is being moved out of ~
Hopefully I"ll add you first (with the explanation that I"m aznmen xD) but if I know you (and you should know if I know you or not, ne?) if you're a frequent commenter (you should know that too, but it's not a necessity) if you like checking up on me, but don't comment, I'll still add you.
That's because, you have to understand that this is going to be my personal journal. I'm still not going to update frequently and spam your flist, but I just want to be able to actually KNOW my flist, which is something I"m practically incapable of doing right now.
My new account is

lovelessending but even though the name sounds kinda angsty, it's 'cause 'happyending' was taken... seriously xDDD i did 'myhappyending' and 'myownhappyending' (but that was too long) and several other combinations, and several other happier combinations, and I failed. each time. but hey, the emo title wasn't taken, wtf? (i was thinking of Loveless, the anime/manga btw, and no, i was NOT going to put x's in just so i could get the happyending name xDD) 
This account will no longer be posted in except for maybe sometimes in phoenixflights <3 and random things that aren't so personal. xDDD Love you guys <3 Hope to see you there~!

lovelessending  lovelessending  lovelessending  lovelessending  lovelessending

Note: I have not made it all pretty yet xD I'll do that after I get back from orchestra practice (omigawd, that's why I'm up at this ungodly hour)


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