Feb 13, 2005 21:56
So I go to Church this morning something I haven't done in a long time. About halfway through the service lyrics from a song I haven't heard in about 6 years. "I keep trying to find the light, on my own apart from you. I am the King of Excuses, I've got one for every selfish thing I do." So this hits me like a car, not an American one mind you because I'd do more damage to the car than it'd do to me. So afterwards we take this trip to the mall on a whim to buy the CD which I haven't heard in yea and we listened to it and we both knew all the lyrics. It was pretty sweet. So we end up meeting up with a few of my friends for lunch. I felt kinda weird since no one else ordered anything. Afterwards we went back to Alex's house to watch Shall We Dance, which was a pretty stereotypical(as my horrible english was pointed out to me) Richard Gere movie. After the movie we ended up going to the nighttime service which was pretty cool. Afterwards some dude was talking to Sari and then looks at her, looks at me and asks if he (me), is her husband. The look on her face was something between utter imcomprehension of what was said, and thinking it couldn't have been her. I know he's talking to us and I just kinda stutter no, and give him a look of uhh what are you on. Pretty interesting night again and another great day.