C'est la vie.

Nov 15, 2004 13:17

Wow. Today is a great day amidst all the cold weather and the first snow of the season. 50 degrees out and no clouds or wind. However, I feel like I have not been able to enjoy this particularly nice day for whatever reason. But the same thoughts have been going through my mind since I talked to my friend kenny today. He's 25, and is all set for life. He's got a huge amount of money in his name and he's already married to a really pretty girl. I envy him, not that I want a crapload of money in my pocket however awesome that would be, nor am I envious that he's already married because i'm only 19... it's still way to early for all of that stuff. But it really hit me today on how fast reality is becoming just that. With every passing day and every passing memory... I feel that the youthful ignorance is quickly fading away. It's replaced with the harshness of reality and the thought of how quickly I'm going to have to worry about money to my name and a pretty girl to make my wife. And I just think that someone only 6 years older than me, granted that's a good many years, is that I'm going to be there before I know it. Before I know it i'll be 25 and I may not be sittin on a wad of cash or have a pretty wife. Really makes me double back and think about what I"m doing with my life now, and what I'll be doing with it in 6 years or so. I know I shouldn't be comparing myself to him, but I can't help it.. it's in my nature. I take other people as examples of what my life could be. Of how my life would be if I grew up in a different city, if I made different choices in my life... Now that I see him, I see the accomplishments he's made as a goal... well, not so much as a goal for myself but rather, a guideline of how successful I may be. It really defined the borders of my possibilities. Iono, the reality I see for myself is no where near his stability in life and that scares me. Not to say that I'm looking to be married with a quarter million in my name by 25, but it really punched me in the face in how quickly life goes from blissful ignorance to the cold harshness of life. Cuz all in all, life is pain, life is sadness, life is everything you wish it wasn't. But then again, life is a series of memories and experiences... it's a series of lessons to learn to carry on with you to the next life.

Like a good friend of mine, Pat, said to me once, "Life is just a collection of memories and experiences strung together one after the other, much like rosary beads are strung together. And as you gain each memory or experience, you add that many beads to your rosary... then at the end of your life, when everything you love and lived on is gone. When you're on your death bed ready to go, all you'll have left is that rosary necklace. Strung together like sea pearls fit to adorn the neck of any princess you can imagine. All you have left at the end of that is your necklace, all you have left is to touch them, remember them, taste them, smell them. All that's left is your necklace of rosary beads to play and enjoy, and to consume your time until your time has come."

C'est la vie. Such is the life that we so live.
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