Jul 18, 2004 09:20
went with tom and winnie to the tatoo expo yesterday... interesting...not quite what i expected at all actually. the environment was quite friendly overall with people of every type admiring other people's tats. not so much with the piercings..but there were some... basically tatoo artists working on human canvasses...people coming in to get their tats done, touched up...that type of stuff... hmmm...interesting points of the day (i wouldn't neccessarily call them "highlights" but...)
7) seeing dennis rodman there to get a tat done...not too impressed...but then...it is rodman... what hasn't he done...though he did look a lot tamer and less out there when i saw him
6) captain don leslie...one old circus perfomer guy...78 i think? swallowing swords, coat hangers, hammering nails through his nose...that kind of stuff..you get it...only interesting because he was so old and it made me cringe everytime he stuck or shoved or stapled something to his body
5) Noah - an airbrush artist who has been on mtv cribs and stuff like that (well..mostly his work...cuz i liked it...) and 1995 playmate of the year-julie cialini
4) this artist all the way from japan and his amazing tatoo of a dragon on this woman's back
3) the artist from blackwave tattoo working on this guy's leg...samoan style...with the bamboo hammer thing
2) weird dominatrix couple dressed all normal, but with the woman crouching down by the guy's leg while he stroked her hair...a little unsettling because he had make-up on and looked like a young boy george
1) ahaha...and for all you guys and or girls out there...number one crowd pleaser yesterday was this girl getting her clit pierced... sitting in the both...legs spread with all the guys watching....hahah nothing like a girl getting pierced to draw the crowd...
that's it for now...more later