Oct 05, 2003 16:48
1. You thing you smartest peepoe in wald.
2. You haf pager an cell phoe wi you all time.
3. When you an 2 other guy talk, peepoe thing you fai-ting.
4. Today steam rye tomorrow fry rye.
5. Dim sum you breakfah.
6. Noddle you din-nah.
7. You don lye eat FISH.
8. Most member in you fam-ly wear denture at young ade.
9. You mose favrite collah RED.
10. You fraid black peepoe.
11. You thing you superia to all Asian.
1. You obses wi you haih, you cah, an you cloe.
2. You wan marry Korea American o Chinee American womah
(males); or you wan marry white gai(females).
3. You extreme porite an act innocent.
4. You feet rook funny in way you walk.
5. You fraid brack peepoe.
6 . You thing you superia to all Asian.
1. You smoe an drin too much.
2. You die instanly if you stop dring Soju an eat eat kimchi.
3. You spen moe tie in bar than at home.
4. You eitha drie Hyundai o Mercedee.
5. You play piano.
6. You feel sorry that Mah-gret Cho sitcom cancel.
7. You fraid black peepoe.
8. You only condut businee wi locah Korea businee.
9. You speak Korea in 99.9% of time on sociah occasion.
10. You have least one relative who owe a liquo stoe.
11. You thing you superia to all Asian.
1. Yu wan tu bi a dansir, a singir, or an aktore, ibin dough
yu hab dayjob as a nars, a sikyo guard, a dis wasir, a
witir/witris or an accountant.
2. Yu kip tilling ebriwan dat a mimbir ob yur pamili back hom
is a politisyan or a mobi-estar.
3. Yu brot lots ob dried pises when coming back prom bikisyon
in Pilipinas.
4. Yu like wearing GOLD on your iir, nick, hans an pinggers.
5. At leas one mimbir ob yur pamili is a nars.
6. Yur sister or daughter marries a US Navyman, hay naku!
7. Der ar 20 pipol sharing roms in yur home.
8. Yu hab at leas 2 PULL-TIME jobs.
9. Yu ar nat aprid of egots; in pact, yu wis yu wir blak.
10. Yu don't care ip yu ar superyor to all ader Asians