well, last week i let annie see the latest and longest letter from maricela...but she took it home and keeps forgetting to bring it to school to give back to me! so i'll give you the first one instead! here it is:
to: Alex
hey, homegurl. um in lunch i have some thing to ask. how did you know it was me? and from me saying "you look nice" how did you get i was asking you out. i was going to ask you out But later cuz i like you a whole lot. lol. cuz your hot as hell. and your really really smart & funny. oooh and do you like me?
your truly, me
umm maricela...i kinda knew it was you because maybe i saw you give the kid the note to send over to me. i mean, you were at the table next to me. x_x and plus, youre the only girl i know who would say that i look nice. and for the last three sentences: i know, i know and NO. lol. how cruel of me.
faugh. okay, well i have to get back to my homework now. ^_^;;