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Mar 02, 2006 23:41



If you haven't given your life to JESUS






I was thinking of what to blog about and saw those words from my bookmark. and i wonder... am i living like it? am i living like i have Jesus? coz i fear that i don't. it's really hard for me to understand His love for me and because of that i don't think i love myself. if only i can grasp and understand who i am in Christ, things would be better. and it is a struggle for me so many times to know that my identity is no longer with myself but with Christ. am i living like i have Jesus... for the most part, i think i do. i've definitely learned how to love others and understand others more as the years pass by. the biggest part of that is just having an accountability partner and meeting up with others and being open and vulnerable... it allows them to know my faults and allows me to know their faults... and even through all of that crap, we're still there for each other. i love doing God's work. i love being able to serve in the ministry. i love being able to support God's workers who are out in the mission field. i love the things of God. though the world tempts me and seduces me with its philosophy, the consequences of succumbing to them are too much. it's too costly and it not only affects me, but also those around me. that's another thing that's been hitting home is the fact that everything i do in this life affects another person's life whether i want it to or not. my friend was just telling me of something i told her during winter conference about going to project and now that she's in the middle of things, she remembers those words that i've told her and it's helped her get through things. i don't even remember saying those words at all! but she does. and because of that, she is encouraged. that's what i love about this whole being a Christian thing... He puts people in your life that speaks life to you and you never know how you're gonna be used for the Kingdom and sometimes you wonder if you are being used, and then something will happen, and like flash of lightning, you realize that you have and are being used by Him to further His kingdom. what an awesome God we serve!

it's been amazing being able to see the way that people have grown or how God is growing people all around me. and i count it as a blessing to be able to see it. He truly is an amazing God!

next blog i'll talk about the young adults conference i went to in toronto. and i drove all the way there and back! tian!!!

(this blog's for you, CràzÑ §éñ§àzÑ)

and scene...
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