Jan 12, 2006 00:02
well... it's been a while i guess since my last update. i have filled out my STINT application. itz a long, arduous process but i have done it. gave some of my reference letters out today. so hopefully by next week, get all my reference letters in. God has just been amazing in terms of talking to me and teaching me things. last sunday evening, the preaching was on Psa. 37:1-6. it was about delighting in Him. i totally need to do that. this week has been hard. work has been stressful because we just moved into a new building. i hate packing and moving and all of that crap. we can't find anything. itz all a mess in our office. i don't even have a phone! and then i go home and read my devos and i'm completely refreshed. and then i go to work and it's like everything is down the drain. it takes time before i start thinking "huperecho... huperecho" i was talking to darren and he was just talking to me about STINT and some of the things to expect...and i must admit, i wasn't really surprised about anything that he did tell me, but it did wake me up to the reality that i might be having some sort of imaginary dreamland that i call STINT in my head and going there and experiencing it might be difficult because of my pre-conceived notions. so that was good. but i must admit,i am feeling some sort of trepidation in going. but i know that this is just a fleeting thing. kinda like when i was about to go to OEX and on the day that i was leaving, i was on the floor rocking back and forth saying "i'm going to East Asia" repeatedly. although i didn't say East Asia, i said another word. :P if you wanna know what word i said, GO TO OEX and then we'll talk! lolz.
i also had a haircut today. i went to a barber shop. i was looking for this place where you can get a haircut for $8.50 but i couldn't find it. only me would go to a barber shop whose website is snobby.ca. lolz. i even got a shampoo. i felt like i didn't go to a barber! hahaha. i was kinda pissed off at him coz i thought he made some rather racist comments...about my hair being Chinese and all. i was telling him how i wanted my hair short but not short enough that it goes spiky. then he says to me "well that's what happens when you got Chinese hair. i'm only a barber, i'm not Jesus Christ". so now he makes a racist comment and uses the name of God in vain. not so good. i was quite ready to leave at that point... but i stayed coz he was cutting my hair after all. later on, he asks me where i came from and then i said Philippines and he was like oh did you get pissed off that i said you were Chinese. i was like, yeah, a lil bit. coz Chinese people have way coarser hair than us flips. ours are more softer. i almost cried afterwards coz i thought it was short and i would look like a troll with my spiky hair. but itz not as bad as the ones i had in the past. plus, a lot of people have commented on how "sharp" i look. of course, i felt like i wasted $26 coz i did just get a haircut before Christmas. but i couldn't really do the funky stuff i wanted to do coz i work so there was no point in having long hair. also, i got the chance to play with my hair during winter conference so it was worth it. itz time-consuming to style my hair and i just don't have that much time if i'm working. i'm not willing to get up extra early just to style my hair in various ways. i am vain...but not that vain. i still have my limits in my vanity. lolz.
had our BeYonD kick-off meeting. it was nice to see new people and old people who i haven't seen for such a long time! i was discouraged by the lack of turn-out by the 1st and 2nd year boys though. men really do need to step up to leadership. itz really kewl to see all the women pumped for Jesus... just wish that the men would be going all-out for Him as well.
this friday, i will have probly thought of numerous ways of trying to kill myself. we have a seminar at work and i have to be there from 6-6. and they expect me to run at 6 a.m. hmmm.... i wish i'll have the whole "and the Spirit took Sid away" moments. or i can just "keep on walking with God" like Enoch. emphasis on the walking part. :P well, that's it for now...
and scene...