Jun 25, 2002 08:00
Im really bored at lu's sooo im going to make a livejournal entry like old times and try to get my reputation up or something u know, oh well it took me a long time trying to figure my pw out for this then i had to click on Lost Password? man can't beileve i forgot it, pretty funny, i typed in so many pw dat i used long time ago and didn't work but i got in when i checked it on my hotmail heh pretty funny tho how i forgot it well
damn i dont know how u people type really long entrys of stuff ill be tired and probably fall asleep of thoughts heh oh well i need a new icon everyone got some cool ones like there pictures of them or other stuff but mines just a really nice car oh well i should go find one of just flames or something since the name could match it, pyro maniac heh yeah... blah im so bored can't do nething gotta wait till lu gets up even tho he tells me to sleep and i haven't yet cause i was to addicted to Tien Len..
I was bored today playing Tien Len on vietmedia i lost about $200 dollars so much been playing for like 4 hours of 13 got tired of it but i gotta get like more money like those pros have 11k money to gamble with dats alot.... its fun writting on my live journal if i dont get lazy i'll type more heh leave some comments or something