Aha! So the asian lives.
While my absence is not by choice, it is merely a product of a summer that has produced nothing more than, well, nothing. So nothing above nothing makes for a resoundingly boring summer. I wish I could delve into the thoughts that usually plague my mind, but thankfully enough, I've been spared.
A few things of note have happened and none of them life changing. I'm in the process of moving out, little by little, piece by piece. That in and of itself is pretty sweet though where I go from there is quite unclear. The freedom has presented itself, but am I really the type of person who needed that freedom away from the 'rents? I guess that'll make itself clear soon enough. Stay tuned to: Will he ever leave his new room?
It's amazing how life changes. Seriously. What's that old adage, "the more you try to stay the same, the more things change" or something to that effect. Here I am, a boy of 20 years and what have I to show for it? I can't hold on to friends. I can't make new ones. And with a much larger long term effect, I'm average at school. And it's all my own undoing. Why don't I pick up that phone? that textbook? that girl across the way?
Everything I preach and no practice to show for it. Ha. I just realized that all this self-reflection and for once, I'm neither emo nor turning emo. That truly is a first. I guess that this summer has shown me two things: 1) people can and always will change no matter how hard you try and 2) time flies by in a blink of an eye. Before I knew it, 3.5 months have already flown by. My move-in date has come and gone. My junior year is fast approaching which brings with it many things like MCAT prep and things of the scholarly nature.
Perhaps those two revelations combined have given me a new outlook on life. It's my life and I can either direct it the way I want or just sit idly by as everyone else moves on at light speed. I've seen and experienced things that have only further propelled me on the course I'm on. Short-term sacrifice for long-term gain. Basic economics.
This will be my year. I know I said it last year but I blame Katrina. Everyone else uses that as a lame excuse; why can't I? Plus, I have no choice. No more outs. Only two roads now, success or miserable "that guy" failure. I'm not going to lie, my track record is pretty good in clutch situations. Not perfect which means I have to put forth some effort. Scratch some, insert A LOT.
I give you all permission to get on my ass and hound me 'til the the cows come home. This will be my year whether the Fates like it or not.
And on a less academic note: I'm boycotting women. As "President" Bush once wisely said, "Fool me once, shame on....shame on you. If you've been fooled you can't get fooled again." I wish I could meet women who didn't have so many fuckin' catches and strings attached. Out of the 3 billion plus women in the world, there's bound to be someone for me. Or maybe I'm just dreaming and need to lower my standards. After all, I'm no prize catch.
Fuck that shit. I'm going to keep aimin' high. Some girl is bound to fall sucker to this witless chap with no self-motivation.