July 31, 2001

Jul 31, 2001 20:25

Hilo! Nothing eventfull has happened this week......... I'm putting extra time over at the math lab for my Algebra II class and cuz Alan was a butt munch in the beginning of the class and he went 2 go talk 2 friends instread of going 2 the lab so he's like....2 hours behind. = P And he sleeps during class so he has 2 teach himself out of the book.... it takes forever. I talked 2 Stephen (pronounced Stefan) yesterday while waiting for alan and talked 2 Amanda 2day. I got really bored. oh well. Had my first flute lesson in how many months??? ^_^ Gotta get a new flute book that has a bunch of solos. ^_^ (Yea!!!!!) The book's supposed 2 have a bunch of hard stuff. Oh, my teacher thought that my becoming a professional flutest was great but I'd have 2 put in some more hours of practice. No biggie. On one weekend, I spend 5 hours straight playing my violin so flute can't be that hard.. can it? lol whatever. It'll be fun.

Ack!! Summer's almost over and I haven't done much on my summer reading... oh well... I'd better start soon. Oh, Update on the "move" (I'm not really moving so that's the reason for the "") My parents offered for 2 other houses and i'm not sure if the offers were accepted. I don't think they were cuz we haven't gotten a call from whoever yet. ^_^ Looks like I'm staying!!! Yea!!!!! Oh and my parents told me that we wouldn't talk about moving if we don't get a house by the end of the summer. ^_^ Yea!! ^_^ Ne ways... gotta go buy those flute books ^_^
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