July 22, 2001

Jul 22, 2001 16:05

Hilo! Well... bout the house thing... we didn't get the house so I'll be here for a little longer. ^_^

Spent the day so far doing my midterm for my career planing/counseling class. ^_^ Having some fun doing it 2. What I'm supposed 2 do is basically write down whatI learned are my strengths and likes. Doesn't sound that dfficult but I just reduced the project to the bare bones.

Downloaded the Got Rice song a little while ago and now i have that one part that goes "Take off your shoes when u enter please or crawl around on ur fucking knees." stuck in my head ^_^ It's funny. Reminds me of those times when i forgot something in the house and had 2 go back 4 it but felt 2 lazy 2 take off my shoes. ^_^ The part that goes "What the hell is that? U think I don't c? No forks in the house. Chopsticks only" is amusing 2.

Yesterday I spent my day at this one SAT class that my mom signed me up for and was bored 2 death. Had a cup of coffee before I went into the class and half way through the class, I was struggling to stay awake. = P Hate that class. The afternoon was better cuz I went over 2 Trish's reletive's b-day party. She was turning 2. ^_^ Had a lot of fun playing DDR. OoOoO! Guess what? My dad said we can get DDR imported from Korea!! My cousin's going back in a few weeks and my dad's gonna give her some money so she can buy the game and the pads there. ^_^ Susan (another friend who I like 2 call my little sister. ^_^ We have the same last name) going back on the 1st or the 15th or something and I wanted 2 go with her hella bad! but can't cuz my parents want to spend some family time together over in Yosemite. It's not so bad cuz we'll be camping but I would've rather gone 2 Korea. Oh well. After camping, my brother and I are going 2 spend a week in LA "visiting the colleges" with my cousins but, heh, yah right! We're probably gonna 2 the beach or an amusment park or something. ^_^ Gotta love my cousins!

Back 2 DDR at Trishia's house. Dianne, Carissa (sorry! I don't know how 2 spell her name.), Kao, Darwin, and some other dude named Justin, and some other dude who I think is related 2 Trish or is a mom's friend's son or something came 2 (All around my age). lol ^_^ Trish's litte neighbor (I think his name was Alan) bugged me the whole time. = P Tried 2 hook me up with Justin and the other dude who's name I don't know. It got quite annoying but oh well... I have 2 live with Alan (not Trish's neighbor but my brother) so I can deal with the other Alan for a few hours. Ne ways...

I'm hoping that Susan and I can go 2 Marine World on Sat cuz I wanna spend some time with my little sis before she goes 2 Korea cuz I might move while she's in Korea. Also hopping that a friend of mine, Eric, can come 2. ^_^ I'm not going 2 camp this year so I'm probably not going 2 c him till reunion or next summer. I miss my camping buddies!!! I haven't seen them in 2 years!! 2 bad they all live in the bay area... Ya know what I just can't understand? Eric goes 2 UCD and he stops by the In-N-Out 2 get a burger every now and then when he's going home yet he never stopped by 2 say hi. He's been going there for 3? 2? years now... whatever. lol Btw for those of u who've recieved the surveys and have seen that one of my nick names is Marshmallow Cheeks... Eric made that one up. ^_^ We were in the same "family" at camp back in '96. (I was in 4th grade then) He and his friend BJ would always pinch my cheeks as a greeting. And i think I came home that year with bruised cheeks. lol. oh well... I'm really sad cuz i can't go 2 camp... I'll be in the oldest cabin this year! I wonder if Sue's going this year... I wonder if she remembers me. I know she doesn't remember Jenny.. or a least her sn. A lot of the people who were campers back in '96 are counselors this year and I'm gonna miss it..= P Feel bad... oh well... there's always next year... Somebody remind me 2 bug Eric 2 move next year's camping days later in August. Man... I think I wrote 2 much... oh well.. Laters!!
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