Jan 24, 2010 19:06
okay, after exam week it's sems. two
i have: religion, science, geo & tech.
erks, i hope it's better than this sems.
you're beautiful is so sad / nice.
i love jeremy / lee hongki. he's adorable so i practically married him -joke-
i feel nothing new has change except my friend whos into korean moved on to japanese guys.
she had "Hey Say Jump!" on her pm and i attacked her for that. i asked her who she likes && she said yamada.
i don't mind when other fans like her but when it's my friends ; we have our boundaries. we don't go after each others idols.
joan idols' - ryutaro & mir from MBLIAQ ?
my idols' - lee hongki & yamada
everyone else idk
but zinnia likes yuto cause she knows i'd eat her if she has yamada
and mary doesn't know yet...but ahaha.
i feel so biased i should stop :3
hsj: yamada ryosuke,
f.t: lee hongki