Feb 23, 2005 06:28
Everyone is telling me I sound like a Valley girl...and like today some kid showed me two Condoms and he's fuggly as Shit and Yeah..I thought it was Cherry and grape and He said the Sensation and I kinda got freaked out and stopped talking and yeah...I dunno what Im going to do this week but like I have a Movie Project and I dunno when Im Going to Do this week...and Yeah im Bored talking to David Kim and Heather and KIMS making me feel bad cause I ate strawberries Smothie all of them and she says she's sick..(GOSH KIM)so..Im going to starve myself for a awhile....Not a lot just a lil like don't eat lunch and Diner cause i Don't cause we got Crappy Asss FOOD...and Yeah I like my Food American like my Guys and my Italian Men that want Sex(Snap)On Demand like Comcast!Well Im really bored...So W/e...Leave me some Comment's even though nobody Does so w/e!
<333The Sweet talking Asian you Love<333
I here it's gonna SNOW!