survey fun

May 28, 2007 06:20

stole this from a friend on GJ

--- 4 Years Ago -------

1.) How old were you?
- 16

2.) Where did you go to school?
- Vista High

3) Where did you work?:
- no worky yet

4.) Where did you live?:
- vista

5.) Where did you hang out?
- at the main stairs in the main quad

6.) Did you wear glasses?:
- nope!

7.) Who were your best friend(s)?
- a couple people... lets see... michelle, raquel, laura, amy, and several other people who i've lost contact with

8.) How many tattoos did you have?:
- nada yet

9.) How many piercings did you have?:
- just teh ears

10.) What car did you drive?
- no driving

11.) Had you been to a real party?
- define real party? alcohol then nope

12.) Had You had your heart broken:
- humm... I think so but not seriously in retrospect

-------------2 years ago-----------

1.) How old were you?:
- 18

2.) Where did you go to school?
- Vista High if it's by the month ^.~

3.) Where did you work?:
- no work again

4.) Where did you live?:
- vista still

5.) Where did you hang out?:
- same place in the main quad by the stairs

6.) Did you wear glasses?:
- nuh uh

7.) Who were your best friend(s)?:
- same people mostly

8.) Who was your crush?:
- my bf was John weeeeeeee

9.) How many tattoos did you have?:
- still none

10.) How many piercings did you have?
- just 2 still (i'm very boring)

11) What car did you drive?:
- no driving for me

12) Had your heart broken?:
- not when I was 18 :)

13. Single/Taken/Married/Divorced?:
- taken... weeeeee


1.) How old are you?:
- 20

2.) Where do you work?:

3.) Where do you live?:
- Irvine/Hemet

4.) Do you wear glasses?:
- yeah... I started last August T.T the world is cruel

5.) Who are your best friends?:
- Michelle really... but others are still close friends (and there's the bf but *shrugs* it's expected of him)

6.) Do you talk to your old friends?:
- not really

7.) How many piercings do you have?
- still just 2

8.) How many tattoos?
- nada zip zippo

9.) What kind of car do you have?:
- haha I still can't drive -_-;

11.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced?:
- TAKEN! four years in a week weeeeeeeee!
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