Apr 25, 2011 01:23
I feel like...grrr...!@#$%^*() Not swearing...just freakin' frustrated and up-in-eyeballs in a fury. I can't even find the words to say how I feel. I knew I should have just eloped or something...
It seems like that...even today...the bride has no say over anything in the banquet. Not even where she sits. Or who sits at the head table. And also, I am supposed to "not care" that people won't come to the ceremony but they DEFINITELY will come to the banquet because in traditional chinese thinking...only the banquet is of importance.
Uh no...if I had it my way...anyone who thinks that the banquet is more important than the ceremony won't be invited period. The main reason why there is a banquet is because two people are getting married at the CEREMONY. So thus, the ceremony is more important than the banquet. I don't care that I'm marrying a CHINESE person...what does that have to do with anything? We're in CANADA...and I'm CANADIAN first. (Okay...Christian, Human, Canadian and then Chinese.)
Mommy says that she's already "smoothed a lot of things for me" with the future -in-laws. Is it really my fault that I have opinions for what I want at my own wedding? It's not like I'm purposely causing trouble. Sheesh. To both parents x 2. Grrr. My parents make me seem like I'm a troublemaker...tyrannic rebel queen...etc etc. I'm sorry people...but as for as I know...I'm the one getting married. The only person who has the right to veto me is CK.
Well...since I'm not going to be having the things that I like...mostly because parents x 2 (and on the very rare occasion...CK himself)...let me describe...on the record...what I would have liked:
- Invitations: I would have liked a main card inviting ppl to the ceremony...and an insert card inviting ppl to the banquet. But his side thinks that it's "not proper" to have the banquet invite on a separate card...yes...because "the banquet is more important". Bleh.
- Head table: Personally, I don't want to sit with any parents. But if I had to sit with one set...it's only fair to have the other. No Chinese tradition nonsense. As far as I'm concerned...both parents are important. Just because a girl is getting married doesn't mean that she """belongs""" to the male family. If all this Chinese tradition is all about..."the uniting of two families"...then hell or no hell...both parents should be sitting at the same table. Now that, would really be the uniting of two families. And I think it's unfair that the male side gets to choose who to sit at the table...especially since I have to sit there too. Unfortunately for moi, Mommy made me grudgingly promise to sit at the head table and stop protesting who will sit there. Boooooooo...it sux to have no rights. =(((((((((((((((((((((((((
Hey...if the parents can threaten to not show up...why can't I do the same thing? I almost feel like washing my hands on the whole affair and just running away. I just feel like doing something THAT IRRESPONSIBLE. I JUST DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO DEAL WITH WHAT EVERYONE ELSE WANTS. It just turns me into a cranky impatient person...not someone I want to be at all.
Ahhhhhhhhh...I don't think I will be sleeping tonight. Too annoyed.
Did I make the wrong decision??