Jun 01, 2006 23:40
Since I whined to Mike that I didn't get poems from men, he wrote me one. =) It's full of hidden undertones which is my kind of taste. I adore it, and will ponder about it for days to come. Perhaps a Shakespeare in making. Bahaha. Mike's my hero. XD
Follow Oh Red Yonder Open Underbrush
Red rOse beneath a wreath of June,
findS fragrant fEaSt and evening glum,
A soundless wish and RapturE's tune,
brings waRm winds from EastwarD, come.
Violet nIght with splattered blue,
fOrms a swirLing eyE in sTride,
to Soaring beAt and Rising cuE,
and a summer Broken LUne, dividE.
Ignite the paSsing passivE flamE,
JUst as Lightning arcs In vain,
forgotten are thosE gods to blame,
lost to Wandered thoughts, mUndane.
AbouNd throughout a peaceful Dusk,
SHadows fleEting past dark wallS,
gone away that fuMous musk,
blown asidE by bLossomed squalLS...