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May 19, 2005 23:06

1 More Day Left Of Middle School!

Theres one more day left! After that its onward to highschool where I have to withstand 4 more years of public schooling. I'm just glad we're finally leaving our sorry ass middle school. I'm getting tired of it and it's getting even more stupider every year. Anywho, I have mixed feelings about my departure from that dreaded school. Lots of "memories" and good times took place at that school or were centered around it... I dread taking "The Finals" because thats absolutely pointless and is a waste of time. I think we should do nothing the last days except to party! Y-E-A-H! But no... our school sucks monkey testiculars, so we dont party. Hey! At least we dont have to walk in every day and see the following faces anymore: Mrs. Thomas, Ms. Davis, Ms. Higgins, Mrs. Sinclair. I wont be missing any of them. Call me mean, but no one will, and you all know it. There were many good times though and those are the things you truly do remember and ponder over. I wouldnt change anything that I've done or thats happened this year. Because when you think about it, all those things are the stuff that made this year "interesting." And also because I can care less about what happened this year. Well, that was my speech for today. I hope you all have enjoyed it. But to be truthful with you, I wont miss this school, or anyone that works, or has worked in it. And I cant say I'll miss anyone because they are all going to GJHS! YEAH! STRAIGHT UP HOME DOGGS! And the fact that if I say that, it will sound very fruity and or queer. Anywho, my closing statement is for all you losers out there (me too), that think school is a waste of time, pointless, and boring, "You have four more years of public schooling left, and there all going to to be HELL...  So get used to it!
Thank you, have a great last day in middle school, do something stupid, and have an exciting, yet epic and crazy summer, cuz I know I will. Good night everyone.

P.S. Hats off to my men J.B. and James! Congrats guys, you've finally graduated! Your now free to do whatever you want! Have a blast in college and J.B., you have to stop by sometime if you want your pokemon cards back. HAHA! And James, I'll miss you when I go to New Orleans, it wont be as fun as it used to be... Good Luck guys, I'll see ya around.
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