Oct 26, 2004 23:18
Review for Exam Two
POL 1013, Kay E. Ford
(Know these terms or references)
*"Civil Liberties" refers to what? - concentrate on individual liberties
*Individual freedoms in the Bill of Rights were extended by the 14th Amendment to include what? - No state can deny any person due process same rule applied casually to everyone.
*Selective Incorporation - the Fourteenth Amendment incorporates certain fundamental provisions, but not other non-fundamental provisions.
*Prior Restraint - Prior restraint defines a governmental ruling that excludes as evil or unlawful certain actions potentially performable in the future. The force of law (rules and orders originating from the state threatening punishment for disobedience) inhibits or restricts future conduct and directs developing human conduct into, or away from, given courses of action.
*Libel (written) - something written intentionally to harm a person reputation
*Slander (spoken) - something spoken intentionally to harm a persons reputation
*Exclusionary Rule - a rule that forbids the Introduction of illegally obtained evidence in a criminal trial
*Establishment Clause - Congress shall not make any laws respecting religion
*Difference between Civil Liberties and Civil Rights (one applies to individuals; other is groups)
Liberties = individual; Rights = group of people
*Are Civil Liberties absolute or conditional? conditionaly
*De Jure discrimination - discrimination that exists locally; I.e. plessy vs. fergusson (seperate vs. equal)
*De Facto discrimination - Discrimination by law (in fact); I.e. religious discrim.
*Roe v. Wade and the right to privacy - it has been already been decided by the supreme court in Roe vs. Wade that "the fundamental right to privacy protected by the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment is broad enough to encompass a qualified right to abortion.
*Patronage system and the merit system - Patronage - make the beauracraxcy move responsible to presidential elections. Pres. makes moreappointments; Merit - Provide admin. that is mutual and competent efficiently executed.
*Brown v Board of Education overturned the precedent of what case? - overturned plessy vs. ferguson. "equal protection of the laws."
*Pork-Barrel legislation - (used in the House and Senate), when used to describe a bill, it implies the legislation is loaded with special projects for Members of Congress to distribute to their voters back home as an act of generosity, courtesy of the federal taxpayer. (roads, dams, post offices)
*Logrolling - A practice common in the u.s. congress and in many other legislative assemblies in which two (or more) legislators agree for each to trade his vote on one bill he cares little about in exchange for the other