
Mar 23, 2004 18:41


•Name: Carla Maria

•Age: 17, almost 18!

• Location: My room aka my escape box

• Favorite bands/artists: Evanescence, Michelle Branch, Jessica Riddle, Matchbox 20

• Least favorite bands/artists: *shrugs* whoever sounds uber bad

• Favorite movies: Lord of the Rings (all three), Pirates of the Caribbean, Finding Nemo, Lilo and Stitch, She's All That

• Least favorite movies: those really bad, my IQ will drop if I watch this kind

• Favorite TV shows: Alias, CSI: Miami, Law and Order, Still Standing

• Least favorite TV shows: refer to least fav. movies

• Five things you can’t live without: family, friends, music, computer, food

• Who in your opinion is the most overrated band?: pfft, don't care

• Who in your opinion is the most underrated band?: see above

• Favorite books/authors. Why?: Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, Jackdaws by Ken Follet, Channelling Cleopatra, LotR (all 3), HP (all 5)

• What is the first thing you do when you wake up?: groan, turn over and sleep some more

• Last thing you do before bed?: turn off the light, take my glasses off

• Look to the left, what do you see?: *checks with her hands first* a door (I'm directionally challenged)

• Who is the coolest person you've ever met?: ME! LOL, a lot of people

• Who is someone you'd like to meet [alive or dead]?: hmm.. lots of people..

• If you were an animal, what would you be and why?: a bear.. one word: HIBERNATION

• If you could change one thing in the world what would you change and why?: the lack of peace in the world

• What is one thing that you know you’ll never do, but wish you could?: Do something in Hollywood

• If you could change one thing about your personality what would it be and why?: Patience, lack of self esteem.. things like that

• If you could live with one person who would it be and why?: I have no idea.... I'll think about that one

• What lyrics do you think best describe you?: The pain that grips you The fear that binds you Releases life in me In our mutual Shame we hide our eyes To blind them from the truth that finds a way to who we are Please don't be afraid When the darkness fades away The dawn will break the silence Screaming in our hearts My love for you still grows And this I do for you Before I try to fight the truth my final time

• If you had a million dollars would you choose to spend it on you, your family or friends and what would you buy them/yourself with it?: family, charity, ME

• If you had to choose (and had no choice) to kill yourself or kill someone, what would you do and why?: myself... why kill someone else? it's all about self-sacrifice

• What’s one thing you are currently looking forward to?: end of the school year/prom/grad

• Make Us Laugh. Tell Us Your Best Joke: Well... you see there was this sea cucumber...

• Whats the story behind your LJ username?: umm.. my friend Mario picked out the azn_angel part for my email address, I added the numbers cuz ya and I used it (azn_angel0086) for a lot of things ...

• And a picture of your hotness (must include):


• Abortion: never, the child is a gift from God... she/he will have a purpose

• Legalization of Drugs: pfft, we have enough problems when its ILLEGAL

• Gay Marriages: *shrugs* Whatever makes them happy, besides it's call LOVE

• The Death Penalty: Yes, if necessary and worth it

• Sex before Marriage: I took my vow of chasity, but I do have an exception ;)

• War/George Bush: Bush is the least competant person on this earth

• Suicide/Self Injury: well, I injure myself often, cuz I'm a kultz... but don't do it

• Animal Rights: Cruelty is a big no-no with me. Of any kind

• Organized Religion: Whatever suits your style

• Online Relationships: well... I met one of my best friends on-line, so it depends

• Labels: depends on the label

• School Uniforms: make my life easier

• Make up a question of your own that you would like to see on this survey, and then answer it: Last thing you ate? Potatoes yummy

charlene, meme

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