Sep 19, 2003 22:23
Camp Olympus
Today was Camp Olympus, a one day grade nine orientation day. It was fun in terms of the games and stuff but as one of the EMS responders it was a hell of a day. I've never been so tired after a day of school where I didn't have to go to class. It was completely tiring. We didn't get any major emergencies, just a few cuts and sprains. Simple stuff. Mini stuff. The radios gave us a major problem. We all had radios so we could be in direct contact with each other and so that we could easily be called. Someone how ever kept interfering with our radio frequencies. FIrst we thought the static and little msgs came from David Plateo who had another radio on the same frequency, so we told him to turn his off. And then we got more of them and this guy going. I'm monitoring all frequencies. WHAT?!? Hello, who has that much time on their hands to do all this crap? So we let it go until we kept getting paged for nothing which was really bugging us. Then this guy is like, I'm going across to Pizza Pizza do you want anything? We're like NO! What are you talking about? So we ran to Pizza Pizza to find him, but we didn't see anyone; however while we were there, they're like I told you guys I was going to Pizza Pizza and I could have gotten you something. OMG We have a stalker on our hands. So then we decide to track down Mr. Berry who said that we just have to be on the look out and that we could try to track him down when Andrew (another responder with a radio wasn't in class) One of my friends said they saw someone with a radi oand was using it so we decided to track the kid down. He msged us and I was like state your location and he's like the cafeteria so me and Charlene RAN and I mean RAN to the cafeteria from the music area. A long way in my opinion. and we saw no one. obviously the guy was bullshiting us. (DAMNIT) We couldn't findit but we got a name and they called him down to the office but he never showed so they're going to try to catch him on Monday. *grins* Hopefully, they do since he pissed the living shit outta me and everyone else. mean he interfered with our EMS transmissions. GRR.
My mom's friends are over and I'm sitting up here in my room all alone. I had a glass of wine to keep me company but it's gone now. *pouts* Oh well. I was going to get more but that was my third glass and my mom was telling me that I should stop. She thinks I'm going to become an alcoholic and that I'll be in AA one of these days. It's not my fault I have a high alcohol tolerance... oh well