Mar 30, 2008 12:13

Procrastination has to be one of my strong suits, given how good I am at it and all.

I should really be revising for my exams but bumming around on the Internet is too appealing to pass up. Gve me about 5 more minutes and I'll have decided to see what my current mark is in all my classes. I do know at the moment that I'm doing quite well in Osteology, so that makes me happy. Sam would be proud.

I have more drawings from Primatology which I'll scan in later. We had WAY too much fun last week. I think there were 3 drawings from that class alone. (And the monkey makes an appearance in every one, we try to make it relevant)

I also have a strong desire to have snacks. Yum.

exams, class: osteology, class: primatology

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