I'm in the midst of work, reading my course reader and talking to
somethingxhere and I'm posting here. Don't you love my need to spam? (Even though I haven't spammed in awhile)
Nothing too exciting has happened of late. More evidence that I lead a very sad life. I have done a lot of reading in the past week or so. None of it school related, of course. Since that would be too studious of me and I'm more of a procastinator. All were very good books and I had a hard time putting them down. All in all, I want to become a time traveller, a chef and live in England.
Yesterday, my cousin Myla asked me to take her shopping (who knows why she wants her 19 year old cousin take her shopping but whatever) at Sherway. She needed clothes for Cancun this week. It wasn't a bad trip to the mall, but I plan on taping her mouth shut the next time I go over and we need to be driven somewhere. The silly girl said "Why can't Carla just drive us?" Now, I normally don't have an objection for a chance to drive, since I've had my license and can probably count the times I've driven on my hand, but her mom has this massive SUV thing for a car and I haven't driven in ages. So of course, I'm all scared and you could probably convince me to perform open-heart surgery before you could get me to consider driving that monster. But alas, my aunt handed me the keys and told me to get my ass in the car (more eloquently of course) Next thing I knew I was yelling at my cousint o never open her mouth again and driving along Mississauga Road. Somehow I managed to survive the whole ordeal without any injury. Emotionally is another story. I told my parents about this when I got home and they stared at me as if I had lost my marbles. I don't think they believed me but it's true. Oh is it ever true. I highly doubt that it means I'll be able to drive in the car any time soon, but who knows.
Oh, to all my Buffy-loving friends: I watched the entire third season this past week and I'm in love. I couldn't get enough of it, I would watch it until the wee hours of the morning just so I could find out what would happen next. Oh, and I claim Oz. Even if he's a werewolf 3 days a month. I don't care. He's too cool and I'm quite displeased he leaves in season 4.
inmyspiritroom this is ALL your fault. If you hadn't told me that I should watch it, this wouldn't have happened. :P (I regret nothing though)