So i know i havent posted in like five million yrs but i decided to download the shitty livejournal app on my phone in hopes of posting more. We shall see.
Things that have happend since my last post.....
..... Work, work, and more work
..... Moved out of my apartment and into a house (im renting tho)
..... Went to a couple concerts (Bad Religion, Green Day)
..... Got ecoli poisoning and uti (that sucked!)
..... Got a new tattoo (if you want me to post pics, lemme know)
..... Some friends had babies (not me)
..... Some ppl got married (again, not me)
..... Plenty of trips to disneyland
..... A few bbqs, trips to the beach, etc
..... Went to comic-con
..... Been actually working on getting rid of my lard ass and get healthy (been going to the gym every day during the week doing running, misc cardio, weight lifting, and zuuummbaaa!)
Things to come .....
..... My niece is turning 4 so im going to vegas for her bday party
..... Tandem skydiving for my friend Alex's 30th bday
Hopefully this post will be one of many to come! And to all my LJ friends, i will work on catching up with yout posts and comment.... I guess better late than never?
<3 Shel
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LiveJournal app for iPhone.