I've been feeling so randomly happy recently...
i guess its because im liberating my self by doing wutever the heck i want
and not so much time spent with replacement parenting (hyper) -> sorrie sorrie...
hyper is such a good and responsible person... just puts me to shame -_-
but instead of trying to be mroe like him... im much more of a spontaneous, happy go lucky person.
so just happyness.
btw, for those of u who use semagic. did u know it has a transparency function? i've set it on 25% and it just frosts over my whole desktop... so pretty...
lol i guess im going a lil' transparency crazy... even my new LJ layout is transparent. even my winamp is transparent....
im mad about macbook pro right now (mad in a good way)
want one sooooo bad
just such a giant leap in laptop technology
which means it still has a few kinks to work out
pplz been complaining about high pitched noise (fixes include pinching the screen on teh botom corner, turning off the ligh senser, the camera, etc...), screen flicker at dimed (but who would want to with such a bright screen of awesomeness), and speakers not being balanced, but thats built in the way other speakers are built. only the left speaker has an enclosure, the right is just like a tweeter. but then no difference will be noticed unless ur really into sounds. i dont' noe if i am or not. also the new magnetic power cord everyone is excited about. it also comes off soooo easily with anything thats at a slight angle to the conector. not sure if im gonna be annoyed at it. and a larger power adapter
but these are all small problems. the machine itself is literally 4x better than powerbook.
im gonna wait till apple fix it b4 gettin mine
the big switch!
so excited.
my PC's been looking like a mac is ages, since i've been using windowblinds and object doc to do the whole mac look...
but it seems that i still have a bit to wait... since apple hasn't even admited to the faults yet..
btw, im listening to a really good song now.
but b4 that miyavi all the way. (which is also my header image ; ) and my icon for this post)
so yummie