Hey there! You don't know me, but I got here through moonie's journal. Just wanted to say that I checked out your gallery on Deviant Art and yes, you can prove solidly that you're the original artist. The picture has a submission date that predates the auction by a year, AND there's a copyright symbol underneath. On Ebay they call that violation of intellectual copyrights (don't know if that's what you reported it as, just wanted to throw it out if you didn't
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oh, deutsch? Dann kann ich ja auf deutsch antworten! =D
vielen Dank für deinen Rat! Ich habe jetzt auch dem Seller eine mail geschrieben, und irgendwelche merkwürdigen Formulare für eBay.com ausgefüllt und denen gefaxt. (habe aber jetzt nicht diesen livehelp-link benutzt, sondern 'report this item' unten auf der auktionsseite... wird ja wohl hoffentlich aufs gleiche rauskommen.) Jetzt muss ich wohl abwarten, was passiert! Die Drecksäcke verkaufen super viel geklaute Bilder auf ihren scheissleinwänden. Wenn sie nicht am anderen Ende der Welt wohnen würden, würd ich ihnen ja 'da rüba komm'...
Ja, ich bin deutsch, aber meine Deutsche Schriebin ist schrecklich. Basically, I never learned the Hoch Deutsch grammar rules and only speak low German. Meine elderen komt aus Geldersheim bei Schweinfurt, un ich war in Bitburg bei Rhineland-Pfalz geboren. Dad is an American citizen and Mom...well, she's apparently waiting for my dad to drop so she can go back home
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HAHA! I got the exact same answer from them, although my email to them was like: "You stole my art. Take it down. Never do that again." they didn't contact me at all! O_ó They apparently didn't even notice the difference between your email and mine >< jesus
....thanks for emailing them too, though. <3 I hope ebay bans them soon.
and thanks for that little sentence auf pälzisch, I was born there too and I love the dialect, and I've never seen such a cute written german sentence in my whole life. XDDDDDDDD
Actually, they claim the 'artist' is Michael something-or-other, which thereby implies intellectual property ownership. Standard disclaimers are required.
Aside, I was also sent here via Moonie. I'm Aussie, and will be going through HK in the near future on my way to Europe. Want me to find these guys and fuck them up, azmin? I've been told that I'm quite handy with a shovel...
I was so annoyed when I saw that ppl can do such thing !
ps : go to my lj, there's some persons who let a comment and maybe can help.
vielen Dank für deinen Rat! Ich habe jetzt auch dem Seller eine mail geschrieben, und irgendwelche merkwürdigen Formulare für eBay.com ausgefüllt und denen gefaxt. (habe aber jetzt nicht diesen livehelp-link benutzt, sondern 'report this item' unten auf der auktionsseite... wird ja wohl hoffentlich aufs gleiche rauskommen.)
Jetzt muss ich wohl abwarten, was passiert!
Die Drecksäcke verkaufen super viel geklaute Bilder auf ihren scheissleinwänden. Wenn sie nicht am anderen Ende der Welt wohnen würden, würd ich ihnen ja 'da rüba komm'...
Danke für deine Hilfe. =)
they didn't contact me at all! O_ó They apparently didn't even notice the difference between your email and mine >< jesus
....thanks for emailing them too, though. <3 I hope ebay bans them soon.
and thanks for that little sentence auf pälzisch, I was born there too and I love the dialect, and I've never seen such a cute written german sentence in my whole life. XDDDDDDDD
Aside, I was also sent here via Moonie. I'm Aussie, and will be going through HK in the near future on my way to Europe. Want me to find these guys and fuck them up, azmin? I've been told that I'm quite handy with a shovel...
I'll pay double if you bring them with you to Germany!!!!
But if I can maybe smuggle the in my luggage, you can pick them up after I leave them for dead in the Scottish highlands
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