[Originally Posted at www.azchick.com] Clearly.
Haha, just kidding. I had an eye appointment yesterday and they gave me those super cool sunglasses (which are more like a piece of tinted plastic transparency...).
Other "exciting" news this week:
- Wrote my first lesson plan.
- Got my 7th "Jury's Pick" on Worth1000. (See it here.)
- Conducted my first "research study."
- Had a song stuck in my head for 4 days straight...it's still not going anywhere.
- Got my first Photography job paycheck.
- Learned that you probably won't remember something long term unless it's repeated to you 400 times. Sort of depressing, eh?
- Planning a trip to Canada in December!
- Took my 10,000th photo (on my Sony camera).
- This actually kind of worries me. My camera started numbering photos back at 1 again, meaning I'm going to have two photos with the same file name - hopefully I don't put them in the same folder and wipe on one or the other! By the way, here was the 10,000th photo (It's a shame it wasn't something super amazing!!):
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