Mar 04, 2010 15:31
Since I only seem to update every few months or so I end up with shotgun posts, so here goes.
5 years! Been with Susan for a bit over 5 years now. Can't quite believe it. But it's still awesome and everything is going swimmingly. Better than it was a few years ago even. I am exceedingly lucky to have her in my life. You may commence barfing...
Still working like crazy on my mom's place. Expending tons of resources, physical, mental and temporal on the project. Basically when I'm not at work, on a shoot, sleeping, or having what passes as a social life for me these days I'm in the basement. However, I'm having a great time with it. I'm learning a lot and getting much more confident in my abilities as a carpenter. Plus I have all the tools... but no tile saw... but that's pretty much it everything else is covered.
I've had 4 shoots so far this month. All of which went pretty well. I'm trying to get a better handle on my craft, and ultimately I think I need to be more aggressive with my lighting and with convincing people to take the time to really make the lighting work. These things take time and crafting a really powerful and technically well executed image takes time and effort from start to finish. I've gotten some new gear which has made a huge difference. Wide angle zoom and telephoto zooms are a great thing to have. Trust me!
I am being a bit mental about posting a lot of my stuff. Not because I'm afraid of it being judged or even of it not being good (I'm always afraid that it's not good but that's nothing new and hasn't stopped me from exposing my work to people out in the world anyway). But I'm more worried about things like model releases and the legalities involved with photos of people where it intersects with business. Maybe I've been working at the hospital for too long where everything that is used has to have releases signed for many obvious reasons. If anyone knows of good resources in this regard I'm all ears. Also if I've taken your photo at an event or party and you DON'T want it posted on my website or some such please let me know!
As far as the job hunt goes, it doesn't. I simply haven't had time lately. My weekends are typically booked solid and my weeknights are spent doing what little I can around the house and spending some precious QT with Susan. I'm sucking it up until the building project is done and I have more hours in the week to play with in regards to finding gainful employment somewhere closer to home and a little less depressing.