Aaron's summer fashion statement: "To all clam digger/pedal pusher/capri/short pants wearing assholes, grow some balls and get some SHORTS ABOVE THE KNEE!
Elvis Costello and the Imposters are amazing live. At Park Pop last week he managed to blast through all his hits with the same punk energy as his 1979 bootleg, "Live at the El Mocambo." Just because he married Diana Kralll and released a couple pussy jazz albums doesn't mean he can't still rock a couple hundred thousand people into a frenzy when he wants.
Imagine 500,000 people on a massive lawn spread between 3 stages in the hot sun. Unlike North American festivals one tenth the size, they have enough bathrooms so you don't have to wait. Also, these guys come around wearing kegs on their backs and fill your beers for cheap. It was amazing except for some shitty Dutch bands... oh yeah, and the whole thing was free.
On another note, plastic bags make excellent skirts.