May 05, 2005 01:26
It's 1:30 in the morning but I'm not in bed cause I'm too pissed off. What could make me so pissed off at such a late hour you ask? Car rental companies, that's what. Fucking money grubbing bastards with arbitrary rules made up to get them more money. I haven't been posting much lately (not that I ever post much) because I've been preoccupied with my gram being sick. The end of the semester is next week, so I've been trying to finish everything as soon as possible so I can leave for Pittsburgh asap. Originally I was thinking of driving back (yes all the way from Tucson) for several reasons: I actually like road trips, I don't like flying, and since I'm planning on being there a month, I need a car and a month would be a costly rental. But my mom did NOT like the idea at all. She said ABSOLUTELY NOT I can't drive by myself back there. First she tried to bribe me with offers of paying for my plane ticket and then she upped it to paying for the rental car as well (typical mom negotiation to get her way, but that's a whole other story). Since the bf didn't like the idea of me driving all that way by myself either, I finally let myself get talked into flying. It does only last about 4-5 hours and plus if there was any type of emergency with my gram while I was on the road, I'd be stuck. So tonight I started browsing plane tickets. Pittsburgh is hella expensive to fly into on such short notice, but America West has a hub in Cleveland so I could get super cheap tickets to there. I'm all jazzed so I start looking into rental car prices. I'm finding rates for about five-six hundred for the month, which I can totally deal with. Then I start reading the fine print...
...young drivers (between 21-24) will be charged an additional fee of $25.00 a day.
Every fucking day for a whole fucking month. That's an additional $700 more. That's more than the original cost of renting the car. That's over $1300 to rent, to borrow, a car for a month. I should just take that $1300 and buy some pos car to drive around for that month and then just leave at my gram's house for whenever I come back. I hate this age shit. I always knew there was this mystery, this aura, around the age of 25. I knew it affected car insurance, and I knew it had something to do with renting cars as well, but I had no idea that companies could seriously rape people's wallets this much. Maybe I am naive, but that just doesn't seem legal. I mean I work at a company that helps people study for entrance exams for grad school and such (think LSAT, MCAT, GRE, etc.). We could never say to people, "well you're an older studnet, you'll have a harder time picking up the material, the teacher is gonna have to help you more so we'll charge you more." Ok so maybe that's not the best analogy but seriously. Rental companies say that drivers under the age of 25 are riskier and well for the majority of people that age, that is probably true. But isn't that what CAR INSURANCE is for? Isn't that why car rental companies require proof of insurance????? Which as someone under 25, I already pay more for. So why the hell do I have to pay AGAIN for it? This must seriously be the biggest legal scam ever. I can be given a loan to buy a house worth way more than any shitty rental car but I can't be trusted to responsibly drive a car that isn't mine.
I am seriously so pissed right now. I don't know what I am going to do. None of my relatives have spare cars. They all need theirs to go to work during the day, which is why they can't be in the hospital with gram each day either. I can't be any good to her if I can't get myself to the hospital. As if I didn't feel helpless enough being stuck in Arizona right now, I would be stuck in Pittsburgh being closer but still just as useless. This sucks.