Danver Legacy 1.1

Jan 12, 2013 14:51

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So last time we left off with Orion and Ruth marrying, and Orion having his first pop! :3
Unfortunately, as mentioned in the last update, I had no idea I'd be putting up pictures and doing a write up for this legacy so I have no pictures of them suffering through pregnancy and passing out and having hunger pangs. :(
So we skip all the mess and...

We'll start off with a fancy looking Ruth ;) I really love his eyes, and that is the trait I picked to try keep through the legacy. Omg.

First toddler!!! Her name is Paster. She's all pretty, but no Ruth-eyes. :L

Claudia! Again, no Ruth-eyes, but Orion's hair.

And Melinda! She supposed to have black hair but because that style is under 'black hair' she got it.
Let's just say it's a mix of red and black, yeah? ;D

Ruth: pop!

Ruth: Uhh, I thought it was only Orion that got prego...
Nope. Sorry hun.

I could have had an extra few pics of panicking sims or something!!

I just love that sleepy curve of his eyes... Mmmmm *drools*
Anyway, Pastel's birthday. Just a quick note, none of the kids got taught how to potty. 
Pastel learned how to walk and talk though.

Unfortunately it wasn't enough I guess :c

Melinda aged up!! :)

Again with the same problems. I didn't get a pic of Claudia D:
She hid from me.

Lovely family dinner. Aren't they all cute? And all girls!! Oh gosh, poor Orion and Ruth, aha.

Paster: But I haven't done anything :(
Claudia: I HATE.

Claudia: GRUGHHH
She kept throwing child fits and tantrums cause of her super low aspiration level. :o

Don't you find this adorably cute? How they rush to greet their parents? I think favorites are being picked here.... :3

Um, meet Lin. He's a boy, with long purple hair. Somehow I skipped all of his transformations, and his twin sister's - Desiree.

Some boring sim days later, with nothing but fits, Paster ages!
(And yes Orion is pregnant again, he's not even a family sim!)

Paster ages into a wonderful teenager.
But nope, she doesn't have Ruth's wonderful eye shapes.

Paster: I bet you can't grow up as awesome as me.
Claudia: *ignores*

She grew up into the same clothes. What.
But I like her, she's pretty. :3

And she helps out. Good sim, good sim.

She's all into studying to get those skills for college. 
I really wonder what she's studying in order to get such a confused face. o.O
But i bet that's me 90% of the time at school anyway. xD

Paster: So if I move this here.... oh gosh :D
She really loves her logic.

Melinda: Urhhhhh noberdy watcher meh?
Stop derping.

Yeah, they all got bored of watching her - too bad, she's pretty too!!!! OH GOSH PERFECTION KIDS.
And if you can't tell, Orion's had his second or third pop. :)

And he gave birth, the kid's somewhere in the house. Her name is Kiki, I was uninspired.
But here's him being the playful thing he is. <3

Some guy: "And i was all like jammin' out and-"
Other guy: "I refuse to listen!"

Then Pastel had a go at brown-hair but I lost the pics. :c
She's such a grouch.

Family founder/heir portraits! :)

Oh guys, this is Desiree by the way!!!!! She's an amazing kid!! :D
Desiree: Chill bro.

Guys, I think I found the heir. :3

Lin: Me too man? Peace? Ha ha?
No. >:c

I don't know why Pastel decided to feed the whole family even though they had just eaten,
or perhaps she wanted to eat this all for herself.
I honestly don't know what she was thinking.

No really Pastel, you should go do something else.

Is that an ice-cream cone at the top of the page? 
What kind of teen-homework is that??

Run Lin, run, you're late for school.

Ruth decided to take on the work of cleaning up all these leaves while Orion was at work and Kiki was sleeping.
Some peace at last :)

And setting them on fire - luckily the girls got home. Cause if he set himself on fire who'd rescue him? 

Desiree: A+ Man. Whoo!
Ruth: *walks away cause there's about to be a fire*

Desiree: Hum cha lum dum der sum patrosum cleaud er um!
Honestly, she looks like she's doing some tribal spell casting or something.

The five kids, now teenagers. Melinda and Pastel somehow become best friends.
Melinda: And I was like-
Claudia: Oh look a wall.
Pastel: Why is she talking to me?...
Desiree: *stares at something on the TV*

Ruth: AH SHIT.
I told you man, something was bound to happen...

These three ran out, first to react.
Pastel: The sound of screams is music to my ears.
Claudia: Someone wanna help me save him or something? 
Melinda: What a wonderful day - oh look birds!

Stop demanding! D:<

Desiree: Uh hello? Entertainment? Fun please? I just saved my dad's sorry ass.

Lol, the fire people arrive only NOW. Haha.

Okay, the Danver Legacy House lounge room is NOT a place for a teenage hangout. 
Random teens, please stop entering this place and hanging out for hours.

Desiree: Uhh, dad?
When you have kids my dear, you'll understand.


Claudia, that's where you were um...well... planned. Can you please hop out? :c
I doubt Ruth and Orion change their sheets anyway.
You might find some stuff....

Ruth and Claudia bonding time. 
And finding favorites.

Claudia: Food?
Pastel: This is a baby.
Lin: .....
Lin is such a boring character >_< he never does anything.

Desiree seeps knowledge into her mind, Pastel works off the whole-family meal from previously.

The other three... well...

These two are the other running candidates for heirs... And look what they're up to.

I'm liking this guy.
Not only is he wearing a Des&Nate shirt but he also got past the fence and past the walls with no doors!!
He couldn't get out. I had to open stuff :L

Desiree: OMG EW.

So these three are the candidates for heir. 
But it's quite obvious who I'm choosing for heir... unless the other two suddenly change.

Among the noise and baby stink Orion ages!! :O
I didn't realize till now how old he is D:

At least he grew up well without my care...

And at least he looks fine...

Off to college my dear, I've had enough of you kids.

She goes to college with A+, Cleaning and Cooking scholarships! :)

Ruth watches hi favorite child go.
Aww <3

Claudia: Finally, out of this house and away from blonde-kid.
Why do they all hate him so much? o.O

She goes off with Cleaning scholarships (i think) or something. And A+ scholarships.

And Melinda, same for her. A+ and something else. xD
I can't remember.

And finally - our two lovelies. No woohooing I swear to god. I'm not taking more kids >:c
I love you.


Well this was a bit longer, so I hope you enjoyed it all. And I'm SO sorry for all that rushed updating on birthdays!!! APOLOGIES!!! :(
Again, I didn't know I was gonna write this all up so I only took the big events pics, only closer towards the end, my friend convinced me and so I started to take more. Ugh. But I'll make it up to you via the next few updates!!! I promise omg! :O

And I'm not sure - should I do an heir poll? Cause I kind of go for traits but I still wanna include you guys...
what do you think? :3

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that! 
Until next time! ;D

challenge, sims, legacy, legacy challenge, danver legacy, update, sims 2

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