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Topic: A Place for Fan-Artists to Discuss the Experience of Being an Artist in Fandom - proposed by
raitalaHere are some potential discussion points, but really this is just a friendly space for fanartists to get together and
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and will say ---> Collaborations with writers: Hell Yes
Sweeping generalization: most writers would be total whores to have illustrations for their fics, and it definitely adds a whole new dimension to the project. So if you're an artist wondering about it... go send a message to initiate first contact!
I figured some folks might be nervous to put up a first comment... or maybe all the artists are either at azkatraz or busy with their art;P
there is so much truth in this. i don't know what i'd do if an artist in fandom wanted to draw a scene from a fic of mine. i would honestly cry. i think it's the highest form of compliment. :)
I third and fourth that statement. I cried when someone did that for me.
She gave me this.
Yes, it has been a few years and still no fic to be had, but I'm hopeful. And receiving that picture filled me with great joy. So don't despair! Get talking to your artist friends and you never know :)
Oh okay, I'll send you my message later...kidding!^o^
Well, really, drawing for fic is a fun-part of being a fanartist, and in my experience, writers are very, very generous to our personal take of the stories and I'm very thankful for that. I mean, I even illustrate some imaginary scenes from my impression or 'what-if's which are not depicted in the orignal fic and still, the authors seem to love it.
(oh okay, maybe I should ask-- do writers prefer to see the loyal illustrations of their stories or the spin-offs of the artist's own imagination?)
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